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The whole winter-garden received its light from above, and this light, falling through large panes of blue glass, threw that peculiar, fairy, grotto-like hue over the little boudoir in front. To prevent the luscious odour of the winter-garden from pervading the air of the boudoir and becoming oppressive, a fine, translucent film separated the bower from the garden.

A good three hours must have elapsed before, after a weary climb and tramp, and when the last candle had been lit, the two lads emerged from behind the stony veil into the grotto-like place that had deceived Mark Eden. "Don't matter about candles now, Master Mark," said Dummy; "I could find my way out ready enough by touching the wall with one hand."

The grotto-like place, shut in by some rocks overshadowed by others, was so gloomy that it was hard to make out everything, but twice over I noted a bit of a rift on my left all fringed with sea-weed and slippery with anemones, where it was not rough with limpets and barnacles. "Was it down here, Bob, down on the left, that you found the conger?" "No," he shouted, "on the right."

"There!" he cried triumphantly. "Who can't get in? Now then, where are these cracks?" "Right up at the other end," I cried; and he groped on into the narrower part, Bob and I looking into the slippery grotto-like place enjoying his slow cumbersome manner, and paying no heed to the fact that the tide had turned, and that already a little water had run into the little pool where we had baled.

"Down by the pool. Come on, Big, old chap," shouted Bob. "I'll get them," I said, and I ran to the bottom pool and had to fish them out of the bottom where they had been left. As I took them out I felt ready to drop them, but I did not, for I flung them and my net and basket as far up the shore as I could, and held out my hands to Bigley, who was looking out at me from the grotto-like place.

In addition, it became more difficult, for the formation began now to change, and instead of being a succession of narrow crack-like passages in almost every variety of inclination between the horizontal and perpendicular, and rock grotto-like chambers of varying extent the road began to fork and break up into vast halls, from which more than once they could hardly find an exit.

Its one window is so shaded by a huge willow that the room has a grotto-like effect of emerald gloom. There are wonderful tidies on the chairs, and gay mats on the floor, and books and cards carefully arranged on a round table, and vases of dried grass on the mantel-piece.

The fountain was in a grotto-like nook, where benches of cement decked with scallop shells were set round a basin with the figures of two small boys in it bestriding that of a lamb, all employed in letting the water dribble from their mouths.

Again, in the Grotto Geyser in the Upper Geyser Basin of Fire Hole River the main or larger crater is hollowed into fantastic arches, beneath which are the grotto-like cavities from which it is named, which act as lateral orifices for the escape of water during an eruption.

After that they blind-folded her and carried her up and down hill, twisting beyond all chance of guessing the course, to a place where the air was cool with that freshness of quality that characterizes a cavern. There they stood her upright and removed the bandage. About her was a flare of torches and the grotesque play of shadows between the grotto-like walls of an abandoned coal mine.