United States or Chile ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The owner, one Captain Grigsby, had been quite alone, so the three men would be in peace, and nothing could be better for Paul than this warm sea air. "Typhoid fever?" Mark Grigsby had asked. "No," Sir Charles had replied, "considerable mental tribulation over a woman." "D d kittle cattle!" was Captain Grigsby's polite comment. "A fine boy, too, and promising "

His twenty thousand dollars invested in P. S-W. stock at twenty-nine and a half had grown with the rising market to sixty-odd. What did it matter to any one if he chose to put ten thousand of the sixty-odd on a turn of the Little Alicia card? While it was gambling, pure and simple, he did not bet with his eyes shut. Inquiry at the Bank of Copah established Grigsby's reputation for truth-telling.

Above it circled and circled huge vultures; and although these were high in the air, he and his party were higher yet! "I smell salt water!" exclaimed Mr. Grigsby. "We're at the Pacific slope!" Charley sniffed; he heard his father sniffing; but he must admit that Mr. Grigsby's nose was better than theirs.

Out of sight inland, was said to be the town of Los Angeles, the largest inland town of California, and older than San Francisco. The next stop would be Monterey. During the night the wind blew hard, kicking up the roughest sea of the whole voyage, and once throwing Charley out of his bunk, almost on top of Mr. Grigsby's cot. "Hello," grunted the Frémonter, "hold fast, there.

Grigsby about the mysterious miner we took care of, back home, and his Golden West mining claim? Seems to me Grigsby's a thoroughly honest man, he's been of great help to us, and while he hasn't asked any questions he must be wondering why our friend Jacobs is hounding us so." "Yes, sir; I think he ought to know," asserted Charley. "All right; we'll tell him to-night.

It was in Grigsby's town office that Ford saw the ore specimens and the certified assays, and listened not too credulously to Grigsby's enthusiastic description of the Little Alicia. To be a half-owner in this mine of mines was to be rich beyond the dreams of avarice when the railroad should come: if one might take Grigsby's word for it.

It's some of my partner's, Grigsby's, stock. I suppose he couldn't stand the push." Once more the president listened. Only an ex-wrestler in the wheat pit could have picked intelligence out of the Babel of puts and calls. "It's up to a hundred and fifty!" he exploded. "What did you pay for your shares, Mr. Ford?" "Twenty," said Ford coolly. "Good Heavens! I I hope you hold a safe majority?"

D.H. Hill on the right, though part of his force had given way, still held the Roulette House and the sunken road, and the troops in the West Wood were well protected from the Northern batteries. The one weak point was the gap occupied by Greene's Federals, which lay between Grigsby's regiments in the northern angle of the West Wood and Hood's division at the Dunkard Church.

"And it's too late for even Grigsby's boa constrictor to help us out." Maria seemed to have understood, for he grunted, encouragingly: "Go ahead! Ever'body go ahead!" And tacked on a sentence in Spanish. "Maria says they'll paddle all night," translated Charley's father, for Charley. "That will help, but I expect a lot of other fellows will do the same."

"It's YOU! Hicks? . . . What news? . . . . She's at Grigsby's? What do you mean? Somebody after you? . . . Not him? . . . I give you my word there hadn't been anything on that road for two months. . . . What have you done? What! Nothing? You should have called the police from Jersey. . . . All gone to pieces? . . . Stay over there, I'll join you tonight.