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Abel slipped the noose over Mr. Bernard's head, and put it round the neck of the miserable Dick Venner, who made no sign of resistance, whether on account of the pain he was in, or from mere helplessness, or because he was waiting for some unguarded moment to escape, since resistance seemed of no use. "I'm go'n' to kerry y' home," said Abel; "th' ol' Doctor, he's got a gre't cur'osity t' see ye.

"Not much more'n three thousan', I'm afeared, on a mortgage; cap'tal's kind o' skeery but Tim " "Three thousand dollars!" Laughing hysterically, she fell back in her chair. "I had ought 'a come sooner; an' three thousan' ain't a gre't deal, I don't suppose, here in the city; but it's been spend, spend not that I grutch it an' things ain't so flourishin' as they was.

An' he kep' whisperin' to her, an' callin' her name, an' coddlin' her; an' pres'n'y she took her han's down an' begin to laugh. "Well, dey 'peared to tek' a gre't fancy to each udder from dat time. Miss Anne she warn' nuthin' but a baby hardly, an' Marse Chan he wuz a good big boy 'bout mos' thirteen years ole, I reckon.

It was spang up against the woods, on the edge of town; and, I tell ye, woods was woods in them days. "The mornin' I was to leave I was up early, lookin' out of my window, when what should I see with these mortial eyes but a gre't bull moose, as big as two yoke o' oxen, comin' along toward the house.

Mercy fairly snorted, but she was too wise to say anything farther. Ruth, however, continued: "That seems very unfair, Uncle. Many girls are 'worth their salt, as you call it, to their families. Why can't I be of use to you in time, of course?" "Ha! everyone to his job," said Uncle Jabez, brusquely. "You kin be of gre't help to your Aunt Alviry, no doubt.

"But while there's life, there's hope," said Mrs. Martin, "and I'll go back with you if you'll harness up. Jacob must stop to look after this gre't fire or 'twill burn the house down," and this was the punishment which befell Jacob, since nothing else would have kept him from also journeying toward the Thacher house.

Mrs. Briskow's wrinkled face beamed. "Think of a gre't big man like you playin' 'pretend' with a foolish old woman like me! I thought you had more sense." "I live in my own land of 'pretend, just as you do. Why, I have a real princess of my own." "Honest?" Gray nodded. "The Princess of Wichita Falls. Would you like to hear about her?

He sort o' staggered along, and then give a gre't sigh I could hear from my room I was on the ground floor fell down on his knees, and laid his head on the ground 's if he was too beat out to go another step. Wa'al, sir, I never waited not long enough even to fetch a holler to wake the folks I just dove out o' the window, and made for him as fast as I could lick in.

At the foot of the short steps, flat on his back, head and legs wriggling like an overturned roach, lay the missing terrapin. It had crawled to the edge of the opening and had fallen down in the darkness. Chad picked him up and kept on grumbling, shaking his finger at the motionless terrapin, whose head and legs were now tight drawn between its shells. "Gre't mine to squash ye!

"My fader a gre't, big Irisher-man yes!" said Juanita. "He marry my modder in Honoragas. She have fine hacienda from her papa yes. She "