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To arms!" Grandval and his men, who had been sent to find out where the Camisards were, had suddenly come upon them. The infantry formed, the cavalry sprang to their saddles, Cavalier leaped on his horse, and drawing his sword, led his soldiers as usual against the dragoons, and these, as was also usual, ran away, leaving twelve of their number dead on the field.

But the village, the approaches, the issues were all occupied by royal troops, and at the same time Grandval and the marechal joined forces, while Menon collected his men together and pushed forward. Cavalier was completely surrounded: he gave the situation a comprehensive glance his foes, were five to one.

Her youth was long past when she came before the world, and that sense of fitness which always distinguished her led her to accept her age seriously and to put on its hues. The "dead-leaf mantle" of Mme. de Maintenon was worn less severely perhaps, but it was worn without affectation. Diderot gives us a pleasant glimpse of her at Grandval, where they were dining with Baron d'Holbach. "Mme.

Foreign Policy of William The Northern Powers The Pope Conduct of the Allies The Emperor Spain William succeeds in preventing the Dissolution of the Coalition New Arrangements for the Government of the Spanish Netherlands Lewis takes the Field Siege of Namur Lewis returns to Versailles Luxemburg Battle of Steinkirk Conspiracy of Grandval Return of William to England Naval Maladministration Earthquake at Port Royal Distress in England; Increase of Crime Meeting of Parliament; State of Parties The King's Speech; Question of Privilege raised by the Lords Debates on the State of the Nation Bill for the Regulation of Trials in Cases of Treason Case of Lord Mohun Debates on the India Trade Supply Ways and Means; Land Tax Origin of the National Debt Parliamentary Reform The Place Bill The Triennial Bill The First Parliamentary Discussion on the Liberty of the Press State of Ireland The King refuses to pass the Triennial Bill Ministerial Arrangements The King goes to Holland; a Session of Parliament in Scotland

Before Grandval left Paris he paid a visit to Saint Germains, and was presented to James and to Mary of Modena. "I have been informed," said James, "of the business. If you and your companions do me this service, you shall never want." After this audience Grandval set out on his journey.

Before the revolution, of all the gay ladies in Paris, Madame Grandval displayed the greatest luxury in her equipage; and Mademoiselle D'Hervieux, in her house. I knew them both.

The veterinary surgeon came and said she'd got the dropsy." "If she's got the dropsy, she's done for. Excepting that, is everything all right?" "Yes, yes! The village constable has broken his arm. Old Canivet's dead. And, by the way, his reverence lost his purse with thirty sous in it as he was a-coming back from Grandval. But otherwise, things are all right."

In April, soon after William had arrived in the Low Countries, the murderers were directed to repair to their post. Dumont was then in Westphalia. Grandval and Leefdale were at Paris. Uden in North Brabant was fixed as the place where the three were to meet and whence they were to proceed together to the headquarters of the allies.

Still the example set by Cavalier, joined to the resumption of hostilities, was not without influence on the Camisards; every day letters arrived from single troopers offering to lay down their arms, and in one day thirty rebels came in and put themselves into Lalande's hands, while twenty surrendered to Grandval; these were accorded not only pardon, but received a reward, in hopes that they might be able to induce others to do like them; and on the 15th June eight of the troops which had abandoned Cavalier at Calvisson made submission; while twelve others asked to be allowed to return to their old chief to follow him wherever he went.

Grandval I saw through a whole play without suspecting it was he. Alas! four-and-twenty years make strange havoc with us mortals! You cannot imagine how this struck me! The Italian comedy, now united with their opera comique, is their most perfect diversion; but alas! harlequin, my dear favourite harlequin, my passion, makes me more melancholy than cheerful.