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Peneleos, Leitus, Arcesilaus, Prothoenor, and Clonius were captains of the Boeotians. These were they that dwelt in Hyria and rocky Aulis, and who held Schoenus, Scolus, and the highlands of Eteonus, with Thespeia, Graia, and the fair city of Mycalessus.

But if they are wise, they will be glad to pick up the best schoolmaster in Europe, though he comes for the present Graiâ ex urbe. I accomplished more than my task to-day. June, 26. Wrote a long letter to Lockhart about Williams' situation, saying how, by sitting betwixt two stools, he " Had fallen with heavy thump Upon his reverential rump,"

Between these the average critic, if not quite so ignorant of literature as a certain proportion of the immensely larger body of reviewers to-day, was certainly even more blind to its general principles. Not for the first time help came to us Trojans Graia ab urbe.

And now, O thou most acute of lawyers, this new twinkling spark of hope has come to thee from a source whence thou least expectedst it! Quod minime reris Graia pandetur ab urbe. And then, as soon as Herbert was gone from him, crossing one leg over the other as he sat in his easy chair, he took it from his pocket and read it for the third time.

His bold criticism, which approaches the precipice of infidelity, produced on my mind a singular effect; and had I persevered in the communion of Rome, I should now apply to my own fortune the prediction of the Sibyl, Via prima salutis, Quod minime reris, Graia, pandetur ab urbe. The elegance of style and freedom of argument were repelled by a shield of prejudice.