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"I will not go with Lilias, madam," answered the spoiled child, who had more than once carried his point by perseverance, and who, like his betters, delighted in the exercise of such authority, "I will not go to Lilias's gousty room I will stay and see that brave warrior who comes riding so gallantly along the drawbridge."

A dense body of smoke, which stretched its blue level surface from side to side, and concealed the roof, went rolling outwards like an inverted river. "This is but a gousty lodging-place," remarked the old fisherman, as he looked round him; "but I have seen a worse.

"Eh, sirs," said the old mendicant, as he took his place on the sheltered side of the large oak-tree to wait for his associate "Eh, sirs, but human nature's a wilful and wilyard thing! Is it not an unco lucre o' gain wad bring this Dousterdivel out in a blast o' wind like this, at twal o'clock at night, to thir wild gousty wa's? and amna I a bigger fule than himsell to bide here waiting for him?"

The frail, brittle creature lying there, a victim of hysterics, fit only to be cherished and guarded by a doting mother placed in a large, empty, gousty mansion doomed to guard alone a suicide and a father, and, perhaps, to wrestle with him through blood her parent's blood! for the preservation of a remaining spark of a self-taken life!

About the end o' July there cam' a spell o' weather, the like o't never was in that country side; it was lown an' het an' heartless; the herds couldnae win up the Black Hill, the bairns were ower weariet to play; an' yet it was gousty too, wi' claps o' het wund that rumm'led in the glens, and bits o' shouers that slockened naething.

"Eh, sirs," said the old mendicant, as he took his place on the sheltered side of the large oak-tree to wait for his associate "Eh, sirs, but human nature's a wilful and wilyard thing! Is it not an unco lucre o' gain wad bring this Dousterdivel out in a blast o' wind like this, at twal o'clock at night, to thir wild gousty wa's? and amna I a bigger fule than himsell to bide here waiting for him?"

About the end o' July there cam' a spell o' weather, the like o' 't never was in that countryside; it was lown an' het an' heartless; the herds couldnae win up the Black Hill, the bairns were ower-weariet to play; an' yet it was gousty too, wi' claps o' het wund that rummled in the glens, and bits o' shouers that slockened naething.

I have kend the law this mony a year, and mony a thrawart job I hae had wi' her first and last; but the auld jaud is no sae ill as that comes to I aye fand her bark waur than her bite." "I would never have thought for a moment of staying in that auld gousty toom house," answered Ratcliffe, "but that use and wont had just gien me a fancy to the place, and I'm just expecting a bit post in't."

I have kend the law this mony a year, and mony a thrawart job I hae had wi' her first and last; but the auld jaud is no sae ill as that comes to I aye fand her bark waur than her bite." "I would never have thought for a moment of staying in that auld gousty toom house," answered Ratcliffe, "but that use and wont had just gien me a fancy to the place, and I'm just expecting a bit post in't."