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"You needn't thank me. I am considering my own interest," the old man replied, with an affability that astounded himself. "I rather think Jenks is expecting the place, but he isn't married; he can wait," he added. "Miss Norah, does you reckon old Marse Goodman's gittin' religion?" asked Mammy Belle one day. "Looks like he's mighty soft-hearted."

He was a merchant who traded with my country and knew the language, but who had never been there since he was a boy as I judge, some sixty years before. His name was James, and he had a twin-brother John, also a bachelor. Between these brothers there was a great affection. They were in business together, at Goodman's Fields, but they did not live together. Mr.

Ralph bids his audience turn to the 'infant stage' of Goodman's Fields for matter more worthy their attention; and his promise that there "The Comick Muse, in Smiles severely gay, Shall scoff at Vice, and laugh its Crimes away"

"Child," she said to Miss Irma, "I am your nearest neighbour. Who should come to welcome you if not I? You will find me at the farm of Heathknowes. It is my goodman's saw-mills that you hear clattering from where you stand, and I am come to see if there is anything I can do to help you." "I thank you " began the girl, and then hesitated.

They went down as quiet as mice, but, for all that, just as they was passing Mr. Goodman's room the door opened, and Peter, in a polite voice, asked 'em to step inside. "We was just thinking you'd be dull up there all alone," he ses. Sam lost 'is presence o' mind, and afore he knew wot 'e was doing 'im and Ginger 'ad walked in and sat down.

Goodman's invitation to accompany her to the drawing-room, fully expecting to find there a large company, including Captain De Stancy. But none of the acting ladies and gentlemen had emerged from their dressing-rooms as yet. Feeling that he did not care to meet any of them that night, he bade farewell to Mrs. Goodman after a few minutes of conversation, and left her.

Goodman's drug house," he said. Clearly he was not in the habit of meeting his employer socially. "And you say they keep a shop, mammy?" This was after the guests had departed, and Belle had done her best to explain. "Dey is ladies, anyhow," she insisted stoutly. "That is very evident," said Mr. Norton. "Jus' you ax James Mandeville in the mawnin'," added Mammy Belle.

Thou art welcome indeed. 'T is a long time since I have seen thee." "God's providence ye may call it," answered the Captain, shaking the Goodman's hand as if he were pumping out the hold of a sinking ship, "and I 'll not gainsay it.

For the reign of James the First we have Camden's "Annals" of that king, Goodman's "Court of King James I.," Weldon's "Secret History of the Court of James I.," Roger Coke's "Detection," the correspondence in the "Cabala," the letters published under the title of "The Court and Times of James I.," the documents in Winwood's "Memorials of State," and the reported proceedings of the last two Parliaments.

Lewis Hallam, who came several years ago from Goodman's Fields Theater in England, and his wife, known on the stage as Mrs. Douglas, are offering the best English plays in New York. Hallam is said to be extremely fine in Richard III, in which tragedy he first appeared here, and he gives it tomorrow night." "Then we're going," said Robert eagerly. "I would not miss it for anything."