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"You mean you would want to if it were not for the Baroness?" Bunker smiled whimsically; but his friend continued as simply serious as ever. "Alicia is ze most divine woman in ze world I respect her, Bonker, I love her, I gonsider her my better angel; but even in Heaven, I suppose, peoples sometimes vould enjoy a stroll in Piccadeelly, or in some vay to exercise ze legs and shout mit excitement.

"Ha, ha, ha!" he shouted. "Zat was a leetle joke at my friend's eggspense. It is here, in my castle, you shall visit me; some day very soon I shall live in him. Meanvile, dear Mrs. Gallosh, gonsider it your home! For me you make it heaven, and I cannot ask more zan zat! Now let us gom and have some fon!" A salvo of applause greeted this conclusion.

"And what answer do you generally return?" "Ze answer I make is," said the Baron gravely and with the deliberation the point deserved "Ze answer is zat I shall vait and gonsider vich lady is ze best for him." "The means you employ will no doubt include a further short personal interview with each of them?" "Vun short! Ach, Bonker, I most investigate mit carefulness.

"You might have said next veek." "By next week Miss Maddison may be snapped up by some one else." "Zen vould Tollyvoddle be more lucky! I have nearly got for him ze most charming girl, mit as moch money as he vants. Ach, you do interfere! You should gonsider ze happiness of Tollyvoddle." "That is the only consideration that affects yourself, Baron?" "Of course! I cannot marry more zan vonce."

"Supposing I were to call upon the Maddisons as your envoy?" suggested Bunker, who, to tell the truth, had already begun to tire of a life of luxurious inaction. "Pairhaps in a few days we might gonsider it." "We have been here for a week already." "Ven vould you call?" "To-morrow, for instance." The Baron frowned; but argument was difficult. "You only jost vill go to see?" "And report to you."