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I have a son of my second wife at Soissons and my present wife, Godegisele, is with child. My stock will live!" And with a feeble voice, the dying man added: "Hermit laborer, give me paradise my good Bishop Cautin, have pity upon me! Oh, I am going to hell! to hell! the demons!" And Neroweg expired, his face contracted in diabolical terror.

"What! What ails you? Answer!" shouted the count brutally. "Do you, perchance, object that I told Morise to come? Dare you cross me?" "No! Oh, no! Is not monseigneur master in this place? Are not his female slaves at his orders? And am not I, Godegisele, myself, his humble servant?"

"You seem to forget the murder of your concubine Isanie, and of your fourth wife Wisigarde, whom you married when two previous ones were still alive, and you then took a fifth wife, Godegisele " "And did you not give me absolution for all those sins? By the faith of the Terrible Eagle, my glorious ancestor!

Its wearer was frail, slender and short, but the rich robe seemed to have been made for a large and robust woman. About a score of young wretchedly clad female slaves sat around Godegisele upon the leaves that the floor was strewn with, while the count's wife occupied an armed stool over which a silver embroidered carpet was thrown. Several of the girl slaves were handsome.

Godegisele shuddered and could not withhold a fearful glance from her bracelets and robe, the latter of which was twice too large for her. "And for what reason did he kill her, Morise? What was it that angered him?" "He had drunk more than usual on that evening he entered here, where we now are, unsteady of foot. It was winter there was a fire in the hearth.

While her lord and master, Neroweg, together with his leudes, was drinking himself to the point of intoxication in the banquet hall, Godegisele, the count's fifth wife, sat in her chamber amidst her female slaves and diligently plied her distaff by the light of a copper lamp. Although still young, Godegisele was of delicate health and frail.

"What an unfortunate inspiration is that! It is to recall to the count's memory the murder of his other wife." Indeed, at the last words of Godegisele a shudder ran through Neroweg; he brusquely stepped towards her; seized her threateningly by the arm and bellowed in a maudlin voice: "Why do you propose to light me to bed with a lamp?" "Mercy, monseigneur!

In these wings are also situated the kennels, the stables, the perches for the falcons, the pig-sty, the cattle-sheds, the wine-presses, the brewery, and large outhouses filled with fodder for horses and cattle. In the main, or seigniorial building are also the women's apartments reserved for Godegisele, the fifth wife of the count, whose second and third wives still live.

There Godegisele spends her days in sadness; she rarely leaves her apartments and plies her distaff in the midst of her female slaves, who attend to the several duties of the needle and the spindle or loom.

One of them, named Morise, a young and handsome girl with raven-black hair who was sold to a noble Frank when ten years of age, spoke the language of the conquerors fluently, on account of which Godegisele conversed with her in preference.