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Self examination and supplication is natural to every life as soon as it develops to a finer knowledge of what passes within itself. Until the last man of the earth is dead this natural cry for the communion with the inner states of consciousness and the union with the great absolute God-life will rise up and flourish and wax strong in the souls of men.

But if there was ever a true prophet of God, a man in whom the God-life in human form was truly manifest, a man supremely divine, not by miraculous generation, but by spiritual union with God, whereby God indeed became manifest in human flesh, that man was Jesus of Nazareth. And as such he becomes the eternal example for all mankind after him.

"I think you mean well," said the pastor, "and if I had your faith in personal freedom, I should almost dare to hope the earth might see better days." "I wish you had my trust in man, and the God-life which is within him, waiting to be out-wrought through his deeds. But my faith cannot be transmitted to another; it is a matter of inward growth with each.

Ernest Renan was called an infidel because he abandoned the church of his fathers, and with it the deity of Jesus. But he found in Jesus the supreme model of all human life, the most perfect and complete reflection of the God-life in mankind the world has ever known. "Repose now in thy glory, noble founder. Thy work is finished; thy divinity is established.

To let self, the flesh, and all evil within perish; to draw the last drop of earthliness from our veins, is a price but few will pay for all the life of God. God through Moses gave to the children of Israel a heritage; but never in their greatest conquest did they attain all of that heritage. So with Christians: how few ever attain all of that God-life offered them through our Lord Jesus Christ.

So perhaps Patrick did evict his Betters from that land of evictions; it may be so; but not the God-life in the mountains. But I judge from the clean and easy sweep he made of things that Druidism was at a low pass in Ireland when he came.

There has been a true coming into the human of the divine, a true supernatural work, the infusion into a dead soul of the God-life which is the Christ-life. And you and I may have that life. What is the condition? 'They that hear shall live. Do you hear? Do you welcome? Do you take that Christ into your hearts? Is He your Life, my brother?

An unknown quantity, a hope of progression, ideal love, and all true mental and spiritual ideals; aspiration to become that which we feel to be noble and true; the symbol of the monad, the soul which, receiving its life from the Sun the Ego is constantly revealing new forces and potencies of that God-life. Each soul's Ego is its maker and God.

The great God-life wants us to have whatever we want, and will help us to get it and keep it. We have been told for ages to "ask and receive, seek and find, knock and it shall be opened." The Universal waits upon our recognition of its presence and before we ask it is given.

He knew what it would cost! not energy of will alone, or merely that utterance and separation from himself which is but the first of creation, though that may well itself be pain but sore suffering such as we cannot imagine, and could only be God's, in the bringing out, call it birth or development, of the God-life in the individual soul a suffering still renewed, a labour thwarted ever by that soul itself, compelling him to take, still at the cost of suffering, the not absolutely best, only the best possible means left him by the resistance of his creature.