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That was the way the wealthy lived: and if you had looked for our brothers, the poor, why, a hole in the ground, that was a cabin for you! Only by the smoke could you tell that a God-created man lived there. You ask, why they lived so?

Septimus looked at her with mournful eyes, hating his futility. Of what use was he to any God-created being? Another man, strong and capable, any vital, deep-chested fellow that was passing along Southampton Row at that moment, would have known how to take her cares on his broad shoulders and ordain, with kind imperiousness, a course of action.

But these words had never yet reached her ears, and as yet it was only the instincts of a true God-created heart that led her to compassionate and care for the child lost in the forest. Taking the babe in her arms, she slipped into bed and soon fell asleep. "And though we sorrow for the dead, Let not our grief be loud, That we may hear Thy loving voice Within the light-lined cloud."

Still this process bears to the sun the same relation as sowing to the seed. Hence the expression of the poet 'sowing the god-created light. There is another way in which this kind of metaphor may be employed. We may apply an alien term, and then deny of that term one of its proper attributes; as if we were to call the shield, not 'the cup of Ares, but 'the wineless cup.

"in strict language, the denial of our true, God-created, immortal self, but the denial of that which is not myself, but which has usurped the place of my true, eternal, heavenly, Adamic being. It is the restoration of that defaced image of God to its primitive divine beauty, grace, and sweetness.

That was the way the wealthy lived; and if you had looked for our brothers, the poor, why, a hole in the ground, that was a cabin for you! Only by the smoke could you tell that a God-created man lived there. You ask why they lived so? How many people were wandering all over the country, Crimeans, Poles, Lithuanians!

The builder cast away his plummet; said to himself, "What is gravitation? Brick lies on brick there!" Alas, does it not still sound strange to many of us, the assertion that there is a God's-truth in the business of god-created men; that all is not a kind of grimace, an "expediency," diplomacy, one knows not what !

To her mind, the poor peasant girl Gretel was not a human being, a God-created creature like herself she was only something that meant poverty, rags, and dirt. Such as Gretel had no right to feel, to hope; above all, they should never cross the paths of their betters that is, not in a disagreeable way.

Sadly gazing into the depths of the retreating dense alley, he suddenly noticed that sentimental tears were making his eyes smart. He got up and went on farther, looking closely at everything that he met with an incessant, sharpened, and at the same time calm attention, just as though he were looking at the God-created world for the first time.

For in thee too lay a god-created Form, but it was not to be unfolded; encrusted must it stand with the thick adhesions and defacements of Labor; and thy body, like thy soul, was not to know freedom. Yet toil on, toil on: thou art in thy duty, be out of it who may; thou toilest for the altogether indispensable, for daily bread.