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By the light of the moon the immodest sirens of the North came around him with their hempen-coloured hair, raising their white throats and their rose-tinted limbs out of the sea; and beating the water into foam with their emerald tails, they sang in cadence: Whither go'st thou, gentle Mael, In thy trough distracted?

"Go'st thy ways, good Governor. You was the poor man's friend one time; but now there's too much Christianity in you.... And no more will I answer until you tells me who your guest is, that eats two breakfasts in one morning." The Commandant gazed at her in mild surprise.

And moind, youngster, thee'd best keep a quiet tongue in thy head as to whaat thou'st seen here." "I haven't seen anything," Ned said; "but of course if you wish it I will say nothing about it." "It were best for ee, for if thou go'st aboot saying thou'st seen men with guns and clubs up here on the moor, it ull be the worsest day's work ee've ever done."

"Shalt go home before thee go'st to the preaching?" Adam asked, looking up. "Nay; I've got my hat and things at Will Maskery's. I shan't be home before going for ten. I'll happen see Dinah Morris safe home, if she's willing. There's nobody comes with her from Poyser's, thee know'st." "Then I'll tell mother not to look for thee," said Adam.

Hence mine host of the Tabard, a very competent critic, had reason for the opinion which he communicated to the Monk: It is a noble pasture where thou go'st; Thou art not like a penitent or ghost. In the Orders of nuns, certain corresponding features were becoming usual.

Herrick alludes to this pleasant custom in the following lines "I'll to thee a simnell bring, 'Gainst thou go'st a mothering; So that when she blesseth thee, Half that blessing thou'lt give me."

when thy labour done all is, And hast y-made reckonings, Instead of rest and newe things Thou go'st home to thine house anon, And there as dumb as any stone Thou sittest at another book.

Let go my fingers!" "Go home, now. See, the people have all gone in." "Go'st way in too, then, and leave me here to wait for her." Taffy shut his teeth, let go her hand, and taking her by the shoulders, swung her round face toward the gate. "March!" he commanded, and she moved off whimpering. Once she looked back.

The idle tramps always felt sure they could get a copper from Seth; they scarcely ever spoke to Adam. At six o'clock the men stopped working, and went out. Seth lingered, and looked wistfully at Adam, as if he expected him to say something. "Shalt go home before thee go'st to the preaching?" Adam asked. "Nay, I shan't be home before going for ten.

"You'd best let a two-three of us stay the night and coax 'ee from frettin'. It's bad for the system, and you so soon over child-birth." Lovey opened her eyes wide on them. "Lord's sake!" she said, "you don't reckon I'm goin' to sit down under this? What? and him the beautifullest, straightest cheeld that ever was in Gwithian Parish! Go'st thy ways home, every wan.