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His face was crushed against the breast of the man who held him, in such a way that it was impossible for him to utter the slightest sound. Across the flat in the shallow quarry he was thrown to the ground, and for a moment he caught a glimp of his captor in the darkness, a powerfully built man, wearing a viator cap that covered the whole of his face and head, with the exception of the eyes.

But as I was sayin', naebody kent hoo he had gethert his siller, the mair by token 'at maybe there was nane, for naebody, as I was tellin' ye, ever had the sma'est glimp o' siller aboot 'im. For a close-loofed near kin o' man he was, gien ever ony!

She popped the beautiful head o' her out o' the sea widin reach o' a paddle o' me skiff an' shot a glimp at me out o' her two eyes that turned me heart to fire an' me soul to ice, an' come pretty nigh t'rowin' me into the bay." "Aye," returned the other in a husky whisper. "Aye, ye bes talkin' now, Tim Leary. Sure, bain't that power o' the glimp o' the eye a mark o' the mermaid?

"Ye wadna ken what she micht be up till, or hoo she micht set aboot it, my leddy. I wad hae ye mistrust her a'thegither. My daddy has a fine moral nose for vermin, an' he canna bide her, though he never had a glimp o' the fause face o' her, an' in trowth never spak till her." "I will tell my father of her. A woman like that is not fit to live amongst civilized people."

He sat in a rocking-chair smoking a pipe. "Le' 's go back," whispered Drusilla. "Dat ar creetur bigger dan a hoss. Ef he git a glimp' us we er gone gone!" Sweetest Susan shivered and looked at Buster John, and Buster John looked at Mr. Thimblefinger. But Mr. Thimblefinger ran forward, crying out: "Howdy, folks, howdy! I've brought some friends home to dinner." He beckoned to the children.

I knowd at a glimp he wur a grizzly! "'Tain't no use to say I wan't skeart; I wur skeart, an' mighty bad skeart, I tell ye. "At fust, I thort o' jumpin' to my feet, an' makin' tracks; but a minnit o' reflexshun showed me that 'ud be o' little use.

Ay! fowk may lauch at what they haena a glimp o', but it'll be lang or their political economy du sae muckle for sic a man! The economist wad wuss his neck had been thrawn whan he was born." Here Cosmo heard Grizzie come in, and went down to her. She was sitting in his father's chair by the fire, and did not turn her face when he spoke. She was either tired or vexed, he thought.

"And what's that?" entreated Annie, whose life seemed to hang upon his lips. "Jist this. Get a sicht o' the face o' God. It's my belief, an' a' the minnisters in creation'll no gar me alter my min', that no man can get a glimp' o' the face o' God but ane o' the chosen.

"Ow! naething but a bit sang that I cam' upo' the ither day i' the neuk o' an auld newspaper." "Lat's hear't," said Peter. "Sing't, Rory. Ye're better kent for a guid sang than for settin' socks." "I canna sing 't, for I dinna ken the tune o' 't. I only got a glimp' o' 't, as I tell ye, in an auld news." "Weel, say't, than. Ye're as weel kent for a guid memory, as a guid sang."

Ye min' hoo the Lord said nane could ken the Father but the man to whom the Son revealt him? Sir, it's fell time ye had a glimp o' that! Ye ken naething till ye ken God the only ane a man can truly and railly ken!" "Well, you're a long way ahead of me, and for the present I'm afraid there's nothing left but to say good-night to you!" And therewith the minister departed.