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Everybody seemed suddenly in need of embroidery silks, transfers, beads, wools, crochet needles, and other such articles, and a special deputation waited on Miss Walters asking permission to go a shopping expedition to Glazebrook to purchase these indispensables.

Some minor experiments, however, might be tried with apple skins, so they determined to pocket their next dessert, and keep it till the magic hour of divination arrived. Hot chestnuts would be a distinct possibility, and a little coaxing at head-quarters would doubtless result in Jones the gardener bringing a bag full for them from Glazebrook. They felt quite excited when the fateful day arrived.

"Well?" asked the interested circle in the Blue bedroom. "Sweet as honey!" reported Lilias. "She said 'Certainly, my dear! We may each ask one friend, and we may spend two shillings amongst us on cakes, if we give the money and the list of what we want to Jones this afternoon, because he's going into Glazebrook first thing to-morrow morning." "Only two shillings!" commented Gowan.

Yet the valley and the meadows down the stream were empty of human beings; and as for the wood, there would be no one but his own keeper in the wood. Doubtless that keeper would, from the abstract point of view, regard poaching with abhorrence. But he would perceive that his master was doing a real kindness to the Glazebrook trout by giving them that chance of making a sportsman-like end.

We're just going to fish it; and if you go sneaking to the police and prosecuting us, then after you've started it you'll get prosecuted yourself by old Glazebrook. That's what we came to say." "And that'll teach you to be polite and answer people next time they write to you," said Erebus in a tone of cold triumph.

She had soon left the houses of Glazebrook behind, and was passing between hedges and fields. For the first mile and a half all went well; she was a little tired, but rather pleased with her own pluck. According to Sicilian customs, which are almost eastern in their guardianship of signorinas, it was an unheard-of thing for a young lady in her position to take a country walk without an escort.

Glazebrook reports the case of a colored man of thirty, of powerful physique, who was admitted to the Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D.C., at 12.30 A.M., on February 5, 1895.

Students soon began to appear, the first on the roll being in all probability James Glazebrook, a collier in Fletcher's parish. To Fletcher the Countess had sent the circular describing what she wished the college to be, and asking him, in common with all her ministerial friends, whether he could recommend any suitable persons as students.

It was after the girls had returned to school, during some bitter weather at the end of January, that Lilias caught a severe cold, and was kept in bed. Dr. Martin, sent for from Glazebrook, took a serious view of the case, and asked to consult with Dr. Hill of Balderton, the family physician at Cheverley Chase.

I want to take it out of that fellow Glazebrook he's not a sportsman." The Terror's face had brightened; but he said: "But how should we account for the fish we took home?" "You can reckon them presents from me. They would be practically if I'm going to pay the fines," said Sir James. The eyes of both the Twins danced: this was a fashion of dealing tenderly with exactitude which appealed to them.