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Eumolpus, concern'd at our grief, and particularly mindful of Gito's tenderness to him; "surely," says he, "y'are the greatest of fools, who have souls enrich'd with virtues, that may make ye happy, yet live a continu'd martyrdom, raising to your selves every day new occasions of grief; I, wherever I am, make my life as pleasant and free from trouble, as if I expected no more of it: If you'll imitate me, never let cares disturb your quiet.

When we had wander'd almost an hour, with our feet all bloody, over sharp pebbles and broken hills of gravel, Gito's diligence at last deliver'd us: for the day before, fearing we might be at a loss, tho' we had the sun to our help, he had providently mark'd every post and pillar with a chalk, the greatest darkness was not able to obscure, by whose shineing whiteness we found our way.

The seamen were pleas'd with the story. Tryphoena not a little asham'd, lovingly apply'd her cheek to Gito's, and hid her blushes: but Lycas wore an air of displeasure, and knitting his brows, said he, "if the governour had been a just man, he ought to have restor'd the husband's body to his monument, and hung the woman on the cross."

Gito's admirable beauty had soften'd their rage, and seem'd without speaking to intreat their favour; when the maids unanimously cry'd out, "'tis Gito, 'tis Gito; hold your barbarous hands, help madam, 'tis Gito!" Tryphoena to their cry inclin'd her ears, that already had anticipated her belief, and with eager haste flew to the boy.

Tryphoena entertain'd her self in Gito's arms, pressing oft his neck with eager kisses, and oft disposing his new ornament, to make it appear more agreeable to his face. At this I was not a little out of humour, and impatient of our new league, cou'd neither eat nor drink any thing: but with side-looks wisht a thousand curses on them both; every kiss and every look she gave him, wounded me.

I, lockt in Gito's arms, not without tears, cry'd out, "And this we have merited of Heaven, that only death should joyn us; but even now I fear fortune will be against it; for see the waves threaten to o'erturn the vessel; and now the tempest comes to burst the lov'd bands that unite us; therefore if you really love Encolpius, let's kiss while we may, and snatch this last joy even in spite of our approaching fate."