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Tell a body, do so many officer in 'e army, one nebber know all he name." "'Mericans can't hab 'em. Too poor for dat. Briggerdeer great gentleum, and wear a red coat. Ole time, see 'em in hundreds, come to visit Masser, and Missus, and play wid Masser Bob. Oh! no rebbleushun in dem days; but ebbery body know he own business, and do it, too."

And I t'ink, gentleum, dat if you is pleased wid de table 'pointments dat you will be equally so wid de grub dat I shall hab de honour to place before you. Dis luncheon is not'ing much, just a fresh-cut ham" lifting a dish-cover "and a cold boiled tongue" lifting another. "But dere is fine white biscuit, such as you nebber see aboard de Shark, and on dat sideboard I hab a prime cheese "

Masser Rupert nebber feel a saterfaction to be wracked away, or to be prisoner to Injin! Golly! No gentleum to be envy, sir, 'em doesn't enjoy dat!" "You have a queer taste. Neb, from all which I conclude you expect to return to town with me, in the Wallingford, this evening, and to go out in the Dawn?" "Sartain, Masser Mile! How you t'ink of goin' to sea and leave nigger at home?"

"Well then, I'm sorry, San Domingo, and apologise most profoundly and profusely and perpetually and peremptorily and all the other `pers' and `pros' that you can think of. Now, how is that for a salve to your wounded feelings, eh?" "Dat all right, sah," answered the black. "Quite proper dat one gentleum should 'polergize to anoder.

"Yes, sah, dat quite true, Mistah Grenvile," replied our sable attendant. "Well, sah, I find dem all in de steward's pantry where else? Ah, gentleum, dis is wery different from de appearance ob de table in de midshipmen's berth aboard de Shark, eh? No tin cups and plates here, sah; no rusty old bread barge; no battered old coffeepot; no not'ing ob dat sort.

I felt as if the poor boy was lost when I saw him swept away from me, by them bloody spars striking adrift, and set him down as one gone from that moment. You've lost an A. No. 1. master, Mister Neb, I can tell you, and you may sarve a hundred before you fall in with his like ag'in." "I nebber sarve anoder gentleum; Misser Marble," returned the black; "dat as sartain as gospel.

"Massa Keene," protested the negro, "it not right dat young gentleum should call deir faithful servant a `black willain' after him hab work hard to make um conf'ble and keep um bert' tidy aboard dat dirty old Shark. Mos' ungrateful to call black gentleum a willain after all dat I has done for you. You has hurt my feelin's, sah!" "Have I?" said Jack.

Neb now grinned, looked as amiable as possible, held out his hand, and revealed the object of his visit. "Masser Mile t'ink 'e gentleum better gib me Miss Lucy box" said Neb, as politely as he knew how. I believe in my soul that Drewett could have kissed Neb, so glad was he to obtain this little relief.

Secondly, as a person would say, now there's Miles, lost too, for the ship is sartainly gone down, Neb: otherwise, she would have been seen floating hereabouts, and we may log him as a man lost overboard." "P'rhaps not, Misser Marble," said the negro. "Masser Mile swim like a fish, and he isn't the gentleum to give up as soon as trouble come. P'rhaps he swimming about all dis time."