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Gawain's character of Healer belongs to him in his role of Grail Winner.

So Launcelot set forth with the Queen, and behind them rode a hundred knights arrayed in green velvet, the housings of the horses of the same all studded with precious stones; thus they passed through the city of Carlisle, openly, in the sight of all, and there were many who rejoiced that the Queen was come again and Sir Launcelot with her, though they of Gawain's party scowled upon him.

When the seneschal who had wrought this treason had brought Sir Gawain's weapons and his horse that had been well cared for that night they deemed it should be theirs ere long, 'twas a strong steed and well standing, and since they thought to have their pleasure of it they gave it provender enow the host bade them undo the door and hold Sir Gawain's steed there without.

But after noon Sir Gawain's strength sank fast, and then, with one full blow, Sir Lancelot laid him on the earth. Then Sir Gawain cried out, "Turn not away, thou traitor knight, but slay me if thou wilt, or else I will arise and fight with thee again some other time." "Sir knight," replied Sir Lancelot, "I never yet smote a fallen man."

"With so high reverence and observance, As well in speeche as in countenance, That Gawain, with his olde curtesie, Though he were come agen out of faerie, Ne coude him not amenden with a word." Gawain's brothers were Agrivain, Gahariet, and Gareth. Once upon a time King Arthur held his court in merry Carlisle, when a damsel came before him and craved a boon.

Now Sir Gawain had this gift from a holy man, that every day in the year, from morning to noon, his strength was increased threefold, and then it fell again to its natural measure. Sir Launcelot was aware of this, and therefore, during the three hours that Sir Gawain's strength was at the height, Sir Launcelot covered himself with his shield, and kept his might in reserve.

The wasting of the land, partially restored by Gawain's question concerning the Lance, has been caused by the 'Dolorous Stroke, i.e., the stroke which brought about the death of the Knight, whose identity is here never revealed.

"Doe was Walewein harde blide Ende bant hem sine wonden ten tide Met selken crude die daer dochten Dat si niet bloden mochten." They ride to an anchorite's cell: "Si waren doe in dire gedochten Mochten sie daer comen tier stont Datten Walewein soude maken gesont." The Dutch Lancelot has numerous references to Gawain's skill in healing.

'No more than is the meed of her beauty, said Bedford. 'Sister Kate likes not worship at any shrine save one. Look at our suite: our knights yea, our very grooms are picked for their comeliness; to wit that great feather-pated oaf of a Welshman, Owen Tudor there; while dames and demoiselles, tire-women and all, are as near akin as may be to Sir Gawain's loathly lady.

This did Sir Gawain tell them there, even as ye have heard aforetime. If his heart were heavy when he took count of this, 'twas small marvel! Then did they wash Sir Gawain's limbs, and he himself searched his wounds. So good a leech might no man find since the day of Mother Eve as was Sir Gawain; whatever wound he tended, 'twas healed even as ye looked upon it!