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On long winter evening the Indian hunters gatherd around their fireside, to listen to the historical traditions, legends of war and hunting, and fairy tales which had been handed down through their fathers and father's fathers, with scarcely any variation for centuries, kindling the enthusiasm of the warrior and inspiring the little child some day to realize similar dreams, and hand his name down to posterity as the author of similar exploits.

The men who were complaining of the head ake and Cholicks yesterday and last night are much better to day. Shabonos Squar gatherd a quantity of fenel roots which we find very paleatiable and nurishing food. the Onion we also find in abundance and boil it with our meat.

A little above here in an Orchard, where we left some of our Company. Pike. But may one goe safe, without danger? As safely as ever you gatherd nutts in England; the Spaniards are all fled. Pike. Ile have a pull at these pomcitrons for my noble Captaine; & if I had a Porters basket full of 'em I would count them no burthen in requitall of some part of the love he hath shewen me.

Sitting there on his lonely height, in sight of his ancestral home, he took out his father's last letter and read it again, after which he once more read the old message from the treasure-ship: "One league due northe of a smalle islet northe of the Islet of Santa Cruz northe of San Salvador I Ralphe Brandon in my shippe Phoenix am becalmed and surrounded by a Spanish fleete My shippe is filled with spoyle the Plunder of III galleons wealth which myghte purchase a kyngdom-tresure equalle to an Empyr's revenue Gold and jeweles in countless store and God forbydde that itt shall falle into the hands of the Enemye I therefore Ralphe Brandon out of mine owne good wyl and intente and that of all my men sink this shippe rather than be taken alyve I send this by my trusty seaman Peter Leggit who with IX others tolde off by lot will trye to escape in the Boate by nighte If this cometh haply into the hands of my sonne Philip let him herebye knowe that in this place is all this tresure which haply may yet be gatherd from the sea the Islet is knowne by III rockes that be pushed up like III needles from the sande.