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He succeeded in reaching the Continent, where he travelled for three years, and devoted much of his attention to the monetary and banking affairs of the countries through which he passed. He stayed a few months in Amsterdam, and speculated to some extent in the funds. His mornings were devoted to the study of finance and the principles of trade, and his evenings to the gaming-house.

That night I remained away, but I could not avoid falling into a debauch to drown my misfortunes, and shift the scene of misery that was continually before my eyes." "The next night I was at the gaming-house. I went there in better than usual spirits. I saw, I thought, a change in fortune, and hailed that as the propitious moment of my life, when I was to rise above my present misfortunes.

And yet I knew it was not that sort of place; indeed, Daly's chief desire was to remain as inconspicuous as possible. It was very difficult to get into Daly's. "Do you know the character of the place you came out of?" I asked, trying to find some clue to her actions. "The character?" she repeated, apparently puzzled at first. "Oh, yes. That is Mr. Daly's gaming-house.

The fury of the gaming-house and the riot of Zaton's seemed far away. The triumphs of the fencing-room even they grew cheap and tawdry. I thought of existence as one outside it, I balanced this against that, and wondered whether, after all, the red soutane were so much better than the homely jerkin, or the fame of a day than ease and safety.

A young man in a cabriolet, on whose fair cheek burned the hectic of late vigils and lavish dissipation, was rolling leisurely home from the gaming-house, at which he had been more than usually fortunate his pockets were laden with notes and gold. He bent forwards as Morton passed him. Philip, absorbed in his reverie, perceived him not, and continued his way.

As the day wore on, the hideous drama of the gaming-house might be seen here by any chance open-air spectator the quivering eagerness, the blank despair, the sobs, the blasphemy, and the blows: "E vedesi chi perde con gran soffi, E bestemmiar colla mano alia mascella, E ricever e dar di molti ingoffi."

Daly's gaming-house. No, there she is!" he suddenly exclaimed. "She has come back!" Leroux wheeled round and looked from one to the other. "So that was the purpose of your visit to New York?" he asked the girl. "So you have not quite forgotten that, madame! Your price was not too vile a thing for you to take it to New York with you!

There was nothing very astonishing in this in a public place, and I continued my walk, and on turning again saw the same couple still watching me. In my turn I looked at them, and remembered seeing the man in a gaming-house, where he was known by the name of Castel-Bajac.

One day, in a gaming-house, seeing the table covered with gold, the Marshal exclaimed at the door: "I will wager that D'Aubigne is here, and makes all this display; it is a magnificence worthy of him." "Yes, truly," said the brother of the favourite; "I have received my silver staff, you see!" That was an uncouth impertinence, for assuredly M. de Vivonne had not owed this dignity to my favour.

"That what would come to this?" "His dealings with the Chinaman!" "He had dealings with Chinamen?" "He accidentally met a Chinaman at an East End gaming-house, a man he had known in Frisco a man called Singapore Charlie " "What! Singapore Charlie!" "Yes, sir, the same man that had a dope-shop, two years ago, down Ratcliffe way " "There was a fire " "But Singapore Charlie escaped, sir."