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The wives were all excitement and hope. They snatched time to replenish their wardrobes, and once more the thousand corridors of the Galeries Lafayette swarmed, the dressmakers breathed again. Shop windows blossomed with all the delicate fripperies with which a Frenchwoman can make old garments look new.

She smoothed her hair, deftly, powdered her nose with care, and adjusted her hat at the smart angle approved by the Galeries Lafayette. She picked up the drawing, still wet, opened the door, and with a smile at the bewildered Ella, was gone. It was after eight o'clock when she reached the Star building. She asked for Lasker's office, and sent in her card.

I know where you got that hat. Galeries Lafayette. How much?" "I don't expect you to believe it. Thirty-five francs. Seven dollars. I couldn't get it for twenty-five here." They were soon clear of the customs. Ella had engaged a room for her at the hotel they always used. As they rode uptown together, happily, Ella opened her bag and laid a little packet of telegrams and letters in Fanny's lap.

There were armed men standing inside them, armed men on the platforms and steps, armed men even on the roofs and it was indeed a strange sight to see Madeleine-Bastille and the Galeries Lafayette out here in the open country, jammed full of grim infantrymen preparing for the fray. Suddenly a tremendous explosion rent the air and shook the ground so that the horses stopped and trembled.

Aside from the industrial class the women who suffered most at the outbreak of the war were those that worked in the shops. Paris is a city of little shops. The average American tourist knows them not, for her hectic experiences in the old days were confined to the Galeries Lafayette, the Louvre, the Bon Marché, and the Trois Quartièrs.

They that are about the king of the Sabeis: haue plate bothe of siluer and golde of all sortest curiously wrought and entallied. They haue also Galeries buylte vppon great pillours, whose coronettes are of golde and of siluer.

Mark from Venice used to stand in those days. At either end, by the Galeries du Louvre, the regimental bands were stationed, masked by the Polish Lancers then on duty. The greater part of the vast graveled space was empty as an arena, ready for the evolutions of those silent masses disposed with the symmetry of military art.

Once there, however, she braced up enough to say: "And only think, madame, a woman out there told me that the Germans who were here last week were all chauffeurs at the Galeries Lafayette and other big shops in Paris, and that they not only knew all the country better than we do, they knew us all by name.

We will now enter the Boulevard Poissonnière, by turning to the right, and in passing along to the Boulevard Bonne-Nouvelle must notice the very handsome Bazaar called the Galeries de Commerce, and the noble building called Maison du Pont de Fer with its curious iron bridge, uniting the back and front premises with the Boulevard.

Modest Andrew had never entered such a place in his life; nor, naturally, had Elodie. Knowing, however, that one went there in full dress, he disinterred a dress-suit which he had bought three years before in order to attend the funeral of a distinguished brother artist, and sent Elodie with a thousand-franc note to array herself in an adequate manner, at the Galeries La Fayette.