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'I said Simeon Samuels' name must be put in, Mendel repeated. 'You should have said so before the resolution is carried now, said the President. 'And a fat lot of good it will do, said Peleg. 'If he can't get buried it is a kind of Cherem, said the Gabbai. 'Assuredly, added the Parnass. 'He will be frightened to think that if he dies suddenly

"Alas!" answered the Red Beadle. "It is not only the fallen Prince in Israel that I weep; it is my own transgressions that are brought home to me by his sudden end. How often have I heard him thunder and lighten from this very pulpit!" He heaved a deep sigh at his own hypocrisy, and the Gabbai sighed in response. "May my latter end be like his!" "Mine, too!" suspired the Red Beadle.

He had been successively Gabbai and Parnass, or treasurer and president, and had presented the plush curtain, with its mystical decoration of intersecting triangles, woven in silk, that hung before the Ark in which the scrolls of the Law were kept. He was the very antithesis of Moses Ansell. His energy was restless.

'And if he doesn't close to-day after your splendid sermon, added the Gabbai, 'you must call and talk to him face to face. The minister made a wry face. 'But that's not in my duties. 'Pardon me, Mr. Gabriel, put in the Parnass, 'you have to call upon the afflicted and the bereaved. And Simeon Samuels is spiritually afflicted, and has lost his Sabbath. 'But he doesn't want comforting.

He began to speak of his boy at the war nay, to read the letters to enthralled groups in the synagogue lobby groups that swallowed without reproach the tripha meat cooked in Simon's mess-tin. It was like being Gabbai over again. Moreover, Simon's view of the Boer was so strictly orthodox as to give almost religious satisfaction to the proud parent.

They won't admit his dead body. 'He relies on smuggling in alive, said Barzinsky gloomily, 'as soon as he has made his pile. 'That won't be very long at this rate, added Ephraim Mendel. 'The sooner the better, said the Gabbai impatiently. 'Let him go to Jericho. There was a burst of laughter, to the Gabbai's great astonishment. 'Order, order, gentlemen, said the Parnass.

'May it be an atonement for us all! interrupted Peleg the pawnbroker. 'We must beg him not to destroy religion, repeated the Parnass. 'I thought Mr. Gabriel had done that, said the Gabbai. 'He is only a minister. He has no worldly tact. 'Then, why don't you go? said Solomon Barzinsky. 'I have too much worldly tact. The President's visit might seem like an appeal to authority.

All the sons of Perez that dwelt at Jerusalem were four hundred threescore and eight valiant men. And these are the sons of Benjamin; Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, the son of Maaseiah, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jesaiah. And after him Gabbai, Sallai, nine hundred twenty and eight.

But perhaps, he admitted, Simeon Samuels resented mere private members or committeemen. Let the Gabbai go. Accordingly the pompous treasurer of the synagogue strode into the notorious shop on the Sabbath itself, catching Simeon Samuels red-handed. But nothing could be suaver than that gentleman's 'Good Shabbos. What can I do for you? 'You can shut up your shop, said the Gabbai brusquely.

It is difficult to combine the offices of Gabbai and Town Councillor without a self-satisfaction that may easily degenerate into dissatisfaction with others. Least endurable was S. Cohn in his religious rigidity, and he could never understand that pietistic exercises in which he found pleasure did not inevitably produce ecstasy in his son and heir.