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After a few words of commonplace but heartfelt condolence, Logan descended the companion, and followed Bude and Captain Funkal into the cabin of that officer. The captain placed refreshments on the table. 'Now, gentlemen, he said, 'you have seen the least riled of my professors, and you can guess what the rest are like. Professor Rustler is weeping in his cabin over a shrivelled old mummy.

Rustler's narrative of its conversational powers accepted by the scepticism of the populace, though it was corroborated by Captain Funkal, Professor Dodge, and Professor Wilkinson, who swore affidavits before a notary, within the hearing of the multitude.

'The other gentlemen's scientific beasts don't seem to like them, sir? 'So Captain Funkal seems to imply, said Bude, and, taking the ropes, with Logan beside him, while the Pendragon lay to, he steered the boat towards the George Washington. The captain welcomed them on deck in a scene of unusual character.

Jones Harvey, not only with living specimens, but with a probable breed of a species hitherto thought extinct. The cheering was led by Captain Funkal, who waved the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack. Words cannot do justice to the scene. Women fainted, strong men wept, enemies embraced each other. For details we must refer to the files of The Yellow Flag.

'I guess our fire-bugs were more on business than yours, said Captain Funkal; 'they've wrecked the exhibits, and killed the darkeys with fright: except two, and they were exhibits themselves. Will you honour me by stepping into my cabin, gentlemen. I am glad to see sane white men to-night. Bude and Logan followed him through a scene of melancholy interest.

'Perhaps, Captain Funkal, you will honour me by accepting this specimen, and wearing it while we are in these latitudes? If it does no good, it can do no harm. We, at least, have not been molested, though we witnessed the phenomena. 'Sir, said the captain, 'I appreciate your kindness, and I value your gift as a memorial of one of the most singular experiences in a seafaring life.

'Well, gentlemen, I heard stories on shore that I took no stock in. I am not a superstitious man, but they allowed that these darkeys are not of a common tribe, but what the papers call "highly developed mediums." And I guess they are at the bottom of the stramash. 'Captain Funkal, may I be frank with you? asked Bude. 'I am hearing you, said the captain.

He shuddered, but rose to his feet. 'Not a man alive on that doomed vessel, he was saying, when anew the still air was rent by the raucous notes of a megalophone: 'Is your exhibit all right? 'Fit as a fiddle, answered Logan through a similar instrument. 'Our exhibits are gone bust, answered Captain Noah Funkal. 'Our professors are in fits. Our darkeys are all dead.

The others respected and shared his emotion. The captain, like all sailors, sympathetic, dashed away a tear. 'One thing I ought to add, said Bude, recovering himself, 'I am no more superstitious than you are, Captain Funkal, and doubtless science will find a simple, satisfactory, and normal explanation of the facts, the existence of which we are both compelled to admit.

Skertchley. Captain Funkal, I have already acquainted you with the facts, and you were kind enough to say that you accepted my statement. 'I did, sir, and I do, answered the captain. 'As for you, he went on, 'Mr.