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'Halloa! whoop! Halloa! Hi! Away, at a gallop, over the black landscape, scattering the dust and dirt like spray! The clatter and commotion echoed to the hurry and discordance of the fugitive's ideas. Nothing clear without, and nothing clear within. Objects flitting past, merging into one another, dimly descried, confusedly lost sight of, gone!

The prisoner who had tried to deceive him by the shout of 'jackal! was doubtless the fugitive's accomplice. Prince Siptah, too, who had interfered with the duties of his office, he loudly cursed. But nothing of the sort should happen again; and he would make the whole band feel what had fallen to his lot through Ephraim.

The distance diminished under the terrific spurt of the police horses, and a confident look began to dawn in the eyes of their riders. They were gaining so rapidly that it seemed hardly necessary to press their bronchos so hard. The top of the hill was still a quarter of a mile away. The fugitive's evidently wearying beast could never make that last final incline.

Then, seeing that he had his man cut off should he attempt to escape, he stepped out into the open and laid a kindly hand on the fugitive's shoulder. Cumshaw turned in a flash, and, in the excitement of the moment, the earth-covered object slipped out of his hands and fell on the grass at his feet. "Where have you been all this time?" Bryce asked jovially. Cumshaw stared at him in a puzzled way.

The fugitive's real name had been given to this ex-agent the cause for search, that he had abducted and was concealing his granddaughter from her father. It was easy for me to perceive why this novel search had hitherto failed, no suspicion being entertained that Waife had separated himself from Sophy, and the inquiry being therefore rather directed towards the grandchild than the grandfather.

Suddenly the poor wretch felt a gust of cold air on the hands resting upon the flags; it came from under the little door to which the two walls led. Oh, Heaven, if that door should open outward. Every nerve in the miserable fugitive's body thrilled with hope. He examined it from top to bottom, though scarcely able to distinguish its outlines in the surrounding darkness.

The other works of our artist are "Uncle Ned's School," "The Charity Patient," "The School Examination," "The Council of War," "The Courtship in Sleepy Hollow," "The Fugitive's Story," "Challenging the Union Vote," and "Rip Van Winkle."

The fugitive's horse reared and plunged into the deep water and with its rider was swept rapidly towards the bend, the way they had come. "That makes the fourth time I've missed that coyote!" angrily exclaimed Hopalong as Red Connors joined him. The other quickly raised his rifle and fired; and the horse, spilling its rider out of the saddle, floated away tail first.

It is a fierce, desperate struggle, that mad race down Leverett Street, at one o'clock on Sunday morning. At each corner, the street-lamps throw a dull red haze around, revealing the fugitive's slender form as he rushes wildly through. Another moment, and the friendly fog shelters and conceals him from view. Breathless, panting, sobbing, he ere long is forced to relax his speed.

Your friends the guardia civile do not arrive." "Pardon, Senor, I think I hear them." And the fugitive's ears did not err. For presently a tall man, white with dust in his great swinging cloak, stalked suspiciously among the tables, looking into each face. He saluted Cartoner, who was better dressed than the other frequenters of the Cafe of the New Gate, and passed on. A horrid moment.