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'I know which side my bread's buttered. I know when a gen'leman's a gen'leman. Mr. Powl can go to Putney with his one! Beg your pardon, Mr. Anne, for being so familiar, said he, blushing suddenly scarlet. 'I was especially warned against it by Mr. Powl. 'Discipline before all, said I. 'Follow your front-rank man. With that, we began to turn our attention to the clothes.

FILE: Two men, the front-rank man and the corresponding man of the rear rank. The front-rank man is the FILE LEADER. A file which has no rear-rank man is a BLANK file. The term FILE applies also to a single man in a single-rank formation. FILE CLOSERS: Such officers and noncommissioned officers of a company as are posted in rear of the line.

The sooner this is done the better; besides, there is the consolation that the treatment can never do any harm even if applied in a case in which there has occurred a harmless chill. The dread which some medical men have of cold applications is wonderful, but we know that the front-rank men have no such fear.

We're both front-rank men, me an' Jock, when the rig'ment's in 'ollow square, Bloomin' fine you'd look. 'The Lord giveth an' the Lord taketh awai, Heasy with that there drop! Blessed be the naime o' the Lord," he gulped in a quaint and suggestive fashion. "Mullins! Wot's Mullins?" said Learoyd, slowly. "Ah'd take a coomp'ny o' Mullinses ma hand behind me. Sitha, Mulvaney, don't be a fool."

In double rank, the front-rank man on the right, or designated flank, conducts the march; when marching faced to the flank, the lending man of the front rank is the guide. Being in line at a halt: 1. Take interval, 2. Squad, 5.

"All the front-rank men are armed with lance and sabre the rear ranks have sabres only." "Good." After two hours of steady cantering the going changed and became a quick succession of ever-deepening gorges cleft in sandstone. Far away in the distance to the left there rose a glow that showed where Howrah City kept uneasy vigil, doubtless with watch-fires at every street corner.

The troops kept in Ireland Ordered to Spain to fight new opponents in behalf of their late ones Land in Mondego Bay and advance to Vimeira A light repast interrupted by a heavy battle Battle of Vimeira Preliminary skirmishing Lawrence's first experience in fighting the French A good front-rank man Defeat of the French and advance on Lisbon The French evacuate the city Lawrence's impressions of Lisbon Sir Arthur Wellesley made commander-in-chief The regiment invalided for a time Attempt to join Sir John Moore frustrated Seville Lawrence's first offence He is court-martialled for it and flogged Moral reflections on the same.

As the testudo moved down the Palace Road and towards the wooden barrier of the north gate, it was to be observed that the front-rank men and the file-closers carried their shields in the ordinary fashion, in order to ward off horizontally flying missiles.

"I know which side my bread's buttered. I know when a gen'leman's a gen'leman. Mr. Powl can go to Putney with his one! Beg your pardon, Mr. Anne, for being so familiar," said he, blushing suddenly scarlet. "I was especially warned against it by Mr. Powl." "Discipline before all," said I. "Follow your front-rank man."

At the second command the right-flank man in the front rank faces to the right in marching and marks time; the other front-rank men oblique to the right, place themselves abreast of the pivot, and mark time; in the rear rank the third man from the right, followed in column by the second and first, moves straight to the front until in rear of his front-rank man, when all face to the right in marching and mark time; the remaining men of the rear rank move straight to the front 4 paces, oblique to the right, place themselves abreast of the third man, cover their file leaders, and mark time; the right guide steps back, takes post on the flank, and marks time.