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"And they've heard all sorts of wicked things Lady Winsleigh was always talking to Sir Francis Lennox about the Froeken, and now they've made her believe you do not care for her any more they've been trying to make her believe everything bad of you for ever so many months " she paused, terrified at Sir Philip's increasing pallor.

And I thought you were so grandly married, Froeken Gueldmar, though I forget your wedded name, how comes it that your husband is not with you?" "He is very busy in London," answered Thelma. "He knows where I am going. Do not be at all anxious, Friedhof, I shall make the journey very well and I am not afraid of storm or wild seas."

They passed out into the hall, where Britta was in attendance with a long cloak of pale-blue plush lined with white fur, in which she tenderly enveloped her beloved "Froeken," her rosy face beaming with affectionate adoration as she glanced from the fair diamond-crowned head down to the point of a small pearl-embroidered shoe that peeped beneath the edge of the rich, sheeny white robe, and saw that nothing was lacking to the most perfect toilette that ever woman wore.

"Oh, my dear my dear!" she whispered in a sort of rapture when there was a gentle movement, and two star-like eyes opened like blue flowers outspreading to the sun. "Is that you, Britta?" asked a tender, wondering voice and with a smothered cry of ecstacy, Britta sprang to seize the outstretched hand of her beloved Froeken, and cover it with kisses.

And and " here Britta's eyes filled "you have not thought, perhaps, that the journey may make the Froeken very ill and that when we find her she may be dying " and Britta's strength gave way in a big sob that broke from the depths of her honest, affectionate heart. "Don't don't talk like that, Britta!" cried Philip passionately. "I can't bear it! Of course, you shall go with me!

The little maid entered hurriedly at that moment, she came to ask with quivering lips, whether she might accompany Sir Philip in his intended journey to Norway. "For if you do not find the Froeken at Hull, you will want to reach the Altenfjord," said Britta, folding hands resolutely in front of her apron, "and you will not get on without me.

Britta shook her head. "The tide is against them no! we shall be there first. But," and she looked wistfully at Pierre, "my grandmother said Mr. Dyceworthy had sworn to ruin the Froeken. What did she mean, do you think?" Duprez did not answer, he made a strange grimace and shrugged his shoulders. Then he seized the whip and lashed the pony.

Pause, oh pause, ere you decide to fall! Even at the latest hour the Lord desires to save your soul, the Lord yearns for your redemption, and maketh me to yearn also. Froeken Thelma!" and Mr.

"The Froeken is out too," she said demurely. "It's time she had a little amusement; and the gentlemen treat her as if she were a queen!" Mr. Dyceworthy started, and his red visage became a trifle paler. "Gentlemen? What gentlemen?" he demanded with some impatience. Britta's inward delight evidently increased. "The gentlemen from the yacht, of course," she said. "What other gentlemen are there?"

But it is of father I am thinking what will father and Sigurd do?" "Oh, that is all settled, Froeken," said Britta, recovering herself rapidly from her outburst. "The bonde means to go for one of his long voyages in the Valkyrie it is time she was used again, I'm sure, and Sigurd will go with him.