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In the fields of God's planting there is ROOM. No walls of brick and mortar cramp one; no factitious distinctions mould your habit. The involuntary reaches of the spirit tend toward the True and the Natural. The flowers, the clouds, and the fresh-smelling earth, all give width to your intent. The boy grows into manliness, instead of growing to be like men.

It was merely a small barn, newly built of pinewood, divided into two rooms one serving as a store-room for goods, the other as waiting-room, ticket office, and living-room of the station-master. The station-master, who was, in fact, master, clerk, and porter in one, was as new to his surroundings as the little fresh-smelling pinewood house.

Let us hope that they did so win him; let us hope that even in that unreal world the better nature of the man triumphed at last, and claimed its reward before the terrible reality broke upon him. Lois, over in the damp, fresh-smelling lumber-yard, sat coiled up in one of the creviced houses made by the jutting boards. She remembered how she used to play in them, before she went into the mill.

He used to help my father cut Christmas trees for me in Virginia, and he had not forgotten how much I liked them. By the time we had placed the cold, fresh-smelling little tree in a corner of the sitting-room, it was already Christmas Eve. After supper we all gathered there, and even grandfather, reading his paper by the table, looked up with friendly interest now and then.

The floor was covered with newly gathered fresh-smelling rushes. A wide staircase led to the right, and to this Phoebe turned at once as though she had always lived there. "Hast heard from my father yet?" she asked, pausing upon the first stair and addressing Dame Goldsmith. "Nay, girl. Not so much as a word. I trow he'll have but little to say to me. Ay ay a humorous limb, thy father, lass."

Let us hope that they did so win him; let us hope that even in that unreal world the better nature of the man triumphed at last, and claimed its reward before the terrible reality broke upon him. Lois, over in the damp, fresh-smelling lumber-yard, sat coiled up in one of the creviced houses made by the jutting boards. She remembered how she used to play in them, before she went into the mill.

"'Why, haven't you ever seen anything? Félicité answered laughing. 'As if your mistress, Madame Homais, didn't wear the same." The husband also asks, in the presence of this fresh-smelling woman, whether the odour comes from the skin or from the chemise.

With a briskness that quite astonished me I got on my feet and walked aft to the cabin the cabin pantry being the most likely place in which to look for food put up in tins; and I was farther encouraged by finding the hatch open and the cabin itself fresh-smelling and clean.

It was a part of the great plain of Cheshire, close by the beautiful vale of Gessford, and just where the inferior Welsh hills begin to swell up from among fresh-smelling meadows. The day too, like that recorded in his work, was mild and sunshiny, with now and then a soft-dropping shower that sowed the whole earth with diamonds.

No more ill than I am. It's only his laziness. He wants a good shaking, that's about the truth of it, Mr. Grail. She led him down into the kitchen. A low clothes-horse, covered with fresh-smelling, gently-steaming linen, stood before a great glowing fire.