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No one could be more ready and willing than himself to condemn Mag Nicolas Francken if the evidence showed him to have been guilty of any of the crimes informally alleged against him.

He said: 'Although we are not in the least degree inclined to assent to your judgement concerning our court, and shall be prepared if need be to withstand you to the uttermost in that behalf, yet forasmuch as our trusty and well-beloved Mag Nicolas Francken, against whom you have dared to allege certain false and malicious charges, hath been suddenly removed from among us, it is apparent that the question for this time falls.

He could only suppose that Francken had died suddenly; and as there were only two days between the date of Nielsen's last letter when Francken was evidently still in being and that of the Bishop's letter, the death must have been completely unexpected.

The furniture was cleared away, and, at the cost of a good many irretrievably damaged planks, that portion of the floor was taken up which lay nearest to Number 14. You will naturally suppose that a skeleton say that of Mag Nicolas Francken was discovered. That was not so. What they did find lying between the beams which supported the flooring was a small copper box.

To his disappointment, it was incomplete. Only one other letter could be found which referred to the affair of Mag Nicolas Francken. It was from the Bishop Jörgen Friis to Rasmus Nielsen.