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O Lord!" spoke the youth, breaking out into almost involuntary prayer, "help this man to haud troth wi' Thee! An' noo, Maister Crathie," he resumed, "I'm yer servan', ready to du onything I can. Forgi'e me, sir, for layin' on ower sair." "I forgi'e ye wi' a' my hert," returned the factor, inly delighted to have something to forgive.

Noo that the hidy-hole is gaen, there's no' a safe hoose in a' the land, only the caves an' the peat-bogs, and even they are but puir protection." "Uncle dear, is not the Lord our hiding-place until these calamities be overpast?" said Jean, while the tears that she could not suppress ran down her cheeks. "Ye're right, bairn. God forgi'e my want o' faith. Rin awa' noo.

"'You know best, cried the angry woman, bursting into tears; 'that creature is no acquaintance of mine, and if she is suffered to remain here, I will leave the house at once. "'Forgi'e me, gude woman, for having unwittingly offended ye, said Jeanie, rising. 'But, merciful Father! how sud I ken that Willie Robertson, my ain Willie, had a wife?

I watched my opportunity, and I gi'e him the note in secrecy, as your lairdship tauld me; and I stooped and whispered till him in his lugs to keep the note till he was his lane, and read it then. But the doitted fule, gude forgi'e me, didna seem to compreheend; but was loike ane dazed. He just lookit at me and then proceeded to open the note before my face.

"Are you away from all your friends? Are you homesick?" "I ha'e naebody belanging to me, me leddy." "You are an orphan?" "Aye, me leddy." "Then you must really tell me what is the matter with you, my poor child; I will help you if I can." "Indeed I canna tell you, my leddy. Your leddyship maun please to forgi'e me, and not mind me greeting. It's just naething; it's ony a way I ha'e."

But, to be sure, how can we do eneugh for his Honour, when we and ours have lived on his ground this twa hundred years; and when he keepit my puir Jamie at school and college, and even at the Ha'-house, till he gaed to a better place; and when he saved me frae being ta'en to Perth as a witch lord forgi'e them that would touch sic a puir silly auld body! and has maintained puir Davie at heck and manger maist feck o' his life?

An' to think of her leaving a parish where she's so looked on. There's Mr. Irwine makes as much of her as if she was a lady, for all her being a Methodist, an' wi' that maggot o' preaching in her head God forgi'e me if I'm i' the wrong to call it so." "Aye," said Mr. Poyser, looking jocose; "but thee dostna tell Adam what he said to thee about it one day.

When he noticed the hollibubber standing in the path he started like a man caught in a theft. "My son, ye 've come to lift a weight off my heart. God forgi'e me that, i' my shyness, I let 'ee go by wi'out a word for your trouble." "All the country seems to know my affairs," Zeb answered with a scowl. The hollibubber's grey eyes rested on him tenderly.

Out it came with a bolt, however, at my threat; as the kind violence of a blow on the back sometimes delivers the windpipe from an intrusive morsel. "Aughteen pennies sterling per diem that is, by the day your honour wadna think unconscionable." "It is double what is usual, and treble what you merit, Andrew; but there's a guinea for you, and get about your business." "The Lord forgi'e us!

But, to be sure, how can we do eneugh for his Honour, when we and ours have lived on his ground this twa hundred years; and when he keepit my puir Jamie at school and college, and even at the Ha'-house, till he gaed to a better place; and when he saved me frae being ta'en to Perth as a witch Lord forgi'e them that would touch sic a puir silly auld body! and has maintained puir Davie at heck and manger maist feck o' his life?