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As the hedges become green the ivy leaves turn brown at the edge and fall; the wild ivy is often curiously variegated. At the foot of the tree up which it climbs the leaves are five-angled, higher up they lose the angles and become rounded, though growing on the same plant.

A prostrate, branching-stemmed, small-growing kind, very proliferous, with roots along the main stems; branchlets upright, five-angled, with slightly raised points, or tubercles, upon which are ten short hair-like spines, arranged in a star, and surrounding three or four central erect spines, all whitish and transparent.

Several kinds of aloes, the common Indian fig, adorned with yellow flowers, spotted with red, and the thorny five-angled touch thistle, grew upon the dark summits of the rocks, and seemed to aim at reaching the long lianas, which, loaded with blue or crimson flowers, hung scattered over the steepest part of the mountain.

It has a stem about 6 in. high, cylindrical, the tubercles arranged spirally, their bases compressed, four or five-angled, and with a tuft of white wool in their axils. The areoles or tufts on the tops of the mammae are large, and the spines are about seven in number, ½ in. long, and of a tawny-yellow colour.