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These were handed to them, carefully locked, so that they might not open the lamp and expose the flame to the surrounding air. They were driving a new gallery, and as a good deal of fire-damp was likely to come out, it was necessary to be very careful. Samuel passed David Adams, who was still a trapper, on his way to his trap. David asked after Dick.

The ventilators are worked by compressed air, and are so arranged that, without stopping their action, the quantity of air they deliver can be rapidly increased or diminished. This ample power of control has been arranged for by the special wish of the mining authorities, who wish to regulate the ventilation according to the development of fire-damp or the greater or less number of men at work.

In olden times the miner had to find his own candles; and it was supposed that a small candle would not so soon set fire to the fire-damp in the coal mines as a large one; and for that reason, as well as for economy's sake, he had candles made of this sort 20, 30, 40, or 60 to the pound.

He knew that the danger now was not so much from the fire-damp the explosive gas as from the even more dreaded choke-damp, which surely follows after an explosion and the cessation of ventilation. Many more miners are killed by this choke-damp, as they hasten to the bottom of the shaft after an explosion, than by the fire itself.

As to the "fire-maidens," James Starr began to think that appearance must have been produced by some jet of fire-damp gas which, issuing from that part of the pit, could be lighted by Silfax.

But, further forward, so deadly was the broadside from the heavy batteries of the Serapis levelled point-blank, and right down the throat and bowels, as it were, of the Richard that it cleared everything before it. The men on the Richard's covered gun-deck ran above, like miners from the fire-damp. Collecting on the forecastle, they continued to fight with grenades and muskets.

For the reasons given, I venture to submit that the difficulties and dangers I have mentioned will be largely reduced, if not wholly overcome, by the use of the fire-damp detecter.

A man called Burnley is to cause an explosion at the old works just as you visit them." "An explosion!" cried Hope, "and fire-damp about. One explosion will cause fifty ring the bell here men! danger!" Then there was a rush of men. "Ben Burnley is firing the mine." There was a yell of fury; but a distant explosion turned it to one of dismay.

In painting upon glass, for instance, it is asserted that the brilliancy and finish of ordinary vitrified colors cannot be obtained. Glassware Reporter. Messrs. Korting bros., of London, induced by the interest that has been directed to the separate ventilation of mines in which fire-damp is apt to form, have adopted for this purpose their jet ventilator.

He waited, not without some anxiety, until Simon Ford's phenomenon should have taken place. But just then it seemed that Harry, like himself, had remarked the absence of the characteristic odor of fire-damp; for he exclaimed in an altered voice, "Father, I should say the gas was no longer escaping through the cracks!"