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I tell you, without the firing of a gun unless we insist on a battle," explosively rejoined a fiery-hued little man sitting next to Monsieur Paul; "but you will see we shall insist. There is between us and Germany an inextinguishable hate and we must kill, kill, right and left!" "Allons allons!" protested the table, in chorus.

She felt Carmela dragging her onward, irresistibly, vindictively. She saw, as through a mist, David Verity's fiery-hued face, and heard his harsh accents. Yes, there was no mistake. Here was Bootle transported to Brazil, Linden House to Las Flores! "By gum, lass," he was bellowing, with a touch of real sentiment in his voice, "you've given us a rare dance afore we caught up wi' you.

His heart and soul were possessed with her danger and his heart and soul carried his body instinctively back from the dancing girl's advance, and he whispered, "I must go. There is no time " She flung back her fiery-hued head with a gesture of intolerable rage. Her eyes were lightnings. "Dog of a Christian!" she said chokingly and flew to the doors.

"Dame, only English women are up to that!" for all the world is English, in French eyes, when an adventurous folly is to be committed. This was one view of our temerity; it was the comment of age and experience of the world, of the cap with the short pipe in her mouth, over which curved, downward, a bulbous, fiery-hued nose that met the pipe.