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If you will stay here, and help my wife about the house and the weaving, I will take good care of you, and clothe you till you are grown and married." "I would rather go away, because I want to be educated, and I can't be if I stay here." "Fiddlestick! you will know as much as the balance of us, and that's all you will ever have any use for.

"Era of sham polish and fiddlestick ends," echoed Henderson; and Mackworth, who had every intention of making a very flourishing speech, was so disconcerted by this unwonted pruning of his periods, that he somewhat abruptly sat down, muttering anathemas on Henderson, and flustered quite out of his usual bland manner.

"I confess, sir," said Harry, determined to speak boldly, "I have met at the Miss Pembertons a young lady to whom I have declared my love." "You have declared your fiddlestick," exclaimed the baronet, with less than his usual dignity. "You could make no promise without my sanction, and that I cannot give you. You can let the girl know this in any way you like."

"He's not been very well lately," replied Morris; "he's staying at Browndean; John is nursing him; and I am alone, as you see." Michael smiled to himself. "I want to see him on particular business," he said. "You can't expect to see my uncle when you won't let me see your father," returned Morris. "Fiddlestick," said Michael.

"Look here, Short," said the first of these great men addressing James as though he had known him intimately for years, though, as a matter of fact, he had only that moment ascertained his name from Mr. Fiddlestick, who was himself obliged to refer to Bean before he could be sure of it "look here, Short: don't you think that we can settle this business?

He was as clever with his tongue as with his fiddlestick, the big schoolmaster; and while helping the sweet little maiden to wind the clock in the belfry, he told her wonderful tales of his doings in foreign lands, and of his travels through many countries. And now the old, old story, as ancient as the hills, was played over again once more.

This last nervure, which is of a slightly reddish hue, is the fundamental element of the musical device; it is, in short, the bow, the fiddlestick, as is proved by the fine notches which run across it. The rest of the wing-cover shows a few more nervures of less importance, which hold the membrane stretched tight, but do not form part of the friction apparatus.

"Looks like it. Which, I wonder?" "The English Channel, man." "I say are you sure?" "Eh?" exclaimed Byfield, waking up and coming forward with a stagger. "The English Channel." "The French fiddlestick," said he with equal promptness. "O, have it as you please!" I retorted. It was not worth arguing with the man. "What is the hour?" I told him that my watch had run down. His had done the same.

"Pay no heed, sir," said Leoni softly. "They are trying to provoke a quarrel, and you cannot stoop." "What's that, Frenchman? Can't you speak English? None of your miserable monsieuring here! Do you know where you are? In the shadow of the Court of the great King Hal. Here, youngster, what are you doing with that hilt? It isn't a fiddlestick. I didn't know dancing masters carried swords.

"Lead him to fiddlestick, Hedzoff," said a female voice. It was Gruffanuff, who had come out in her dressing-gown when she heard the noise. "The King said you were to hang the Prince. Well, hang the Prince." "I don't understand you," says Hedzoff, who was not a very clever man. "You Gaby! he didn't say WHICH Prince," says Gruffanuff. "No; he didn't say which, certainly," said Hedzoff.