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He went into the dark room, groped about for a moment, and returned, closing the door behind him. "Come, Monsieur," he said, "your work at the Château Gordon is finished for this night. I shall leave you with yourself at home, as you say in a few moments. Gaspard Gaspard, fermez la porte

You cannot picture to yourself the multitudes of soldiers, guards, and armed men of all sorts we watched not close to the window, however, for such havoc had been made among them by the firing from the windows, that as the battalions marched by, they cried, "Fermez vos fenetres!" and it was very painful to watch their looks of anxiety and suspicion as they marched by.

I feel cold, as if I could not understand things to-night. The Marquis gave me some conseils de mariage this afternoon. "Remain placid," he said, "fermez les yeux et pensez

"Knight Legionary of his Majesty's r-r- royal order of the Legion of Honour! Drummer! Fermez le ban!" This was done by the only drummer on board; the gallant surgeon-major came up to receive his cross, which the King, whose gravity never forsook him, presented to him with a few kindly words, while all the spectators made superhuman efforts to control their inclination to laugh.

The lamp at the street corner was suddenly extinguished, leaving absolute darkness. "Fermez vos rideaux!" shouted a hoarse voice. Footsteps went hurriedly down the pavement and then were silent. "It is nothing!" said the woman; "a false alarm!" "Listen!" Paris was very quiet now. The bugle-notes were as faint as far-off bells against the wind. But there was no wind, and the air was still.

Bertrand started a little at his touch, and Max had a glimpse of his tortured face as he glanced up. "Fermez la porte!" he said, in a choked whisper. The door was already shut. Max wheeled and turned the key. "Now!" he said. He stooped over the Frenchman, and with the utmost care lifted him back on to the pillows, unfastened his collar, then turned to fling the windows as wide as they would go.

General Haldane, as commander of the 6th Corps, paraded them, and poked his stick at the more wizened ones, the obviously unfit, the degenerates, and said at each prod, "You can go... You. ..You...." The Bantam Division ceased to exist. They afforded many jokes to the army. One anecdote went the round. "Shut ze door ven you come out," said the old woman of his billet. "Fermez la porte, mon vieux."

You cannot picture to yourself the multitudes of soldiers, guards, and armed men of all sorts we watched not close to the window, however, for such havoc had been made among them by the firing from the windows, that as the battalions marched by, they cried, 'Fermez vos fenêtres! and it was very painful to watch their looks of anxiety and suspicion as they marched by."

"From that defend us all, ye good Vi ringrazia carissima sorella!" said Henrik. "But but charming Gabriele! a drop of port wine in the tea would make it more powerful, without turning me into one of those miserable beings of whom Louise is so afraid! Thanks, sister dear! Fermez les yeux, O Mahomet!" and with an obeisance before Louise, Henrik conveyed the cup to his lips.