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"Let me give you a word of advice first, Buddy boy," spoke the veteran cowboy as he slowly got off his pony, an act of grace for which the animal was, doubtless, duly thankful. Billee was no featherweight, though he was as active as need be, in spite of his bulk. "What's the advice?" asked Bud good-naturedly. His first hot anger was beginning to cool.

The difference was really extraordinary; we felt the new sledge a featherweight compared with the old, and set up a great pace for the home quarters regardless of how much we perspired. The difference was only marked when pulling over the salt-covered sea ice; on snow the sledges seemed pretty much the same. It is due to the grain of the wood in the runners and is worth looking into.

"I must see about taking him home again." "Shall I carry him for you, miss?" asked Jupp. "The down-train ain't due for near an hour yet, and I dessay I can get my mate to look out for me while I walks with you up the village." "You are very kind," said she; "but, I hardly like to trouble you?" "No trouble at all, miss," replied Jupp heartily. "Why, the little gentleman's only a featherweight."

She seemed to be the best of all the dancers, and twice she danced alone, doing marvellous fancy steps and receiving great applause from the audience. "Isn't she lovely!" exclaimed Midget. "I wish I could dance like that." "You never can, Mopsy," said King. "You're too heavy. That girl is a featherweight." "She looks nice," said Midget. "I'd like to know her."

I didn't want to dish up until you were at the table, so's everything would be hot." She threw a laughing glance at Pinky. But when they were seated, there appeared a platter of cold, thinly sliced ham for Pinky, and a crisp salad, and a featherweight cheese soufflé, and iced tea, and a dessert coolly capped with whipped cream. "But, mother, you shouldn't have " feebly.

Put aside your scruples; everything that you say is not a featherweight in the balance; do not trouble about your name in the past, for you will have a new name in the future. It is not I, but you, who overlook obstacles, for have you not overlooked all the years that lie between your age and mine?

But however their outward aspects may differ, they are of the same blood and know it. A featherweight bantam cock will stand up to an elephantine brahma and fight him according to the rules of the ring and next minute pay compliments to his lady in language which she will be at no loss to understand.

By the west door, Wauchope's friend, the cumbrous curate, who fancied himself as a featherweight, stood smiling and shaking hands with each man as he came, and thanking him for coming, thus carrying out the idea that it was an entertainment. He had his largest smile, his closest grip for Wauchope and for Ransome, for they were men after his own heart.

The little negro boy handed her the light racing saddle; a very featherweight of a saddle. "Steady, Shashai." The colt stood like a statue expecting the girl as usual to spring upon his back. Instead she placed upon it a stiff, leather affair which puzzled him not a little, and from which dangled two curious contrivances.

CAPT. G. For ever and ever. MRS. G. That's a long time. CAPT. G. 'Think so? It's the shortest I can do with. MRS. G. You're getting quite clever. CAPT. G. I'm talking to you. MRS. G. Prettily turned. Hold up your stupid old head and I'll pay you for it! MRS. G. I've a great mind to and I will! CAPT. G. Little Featherweight, it's my opinion that we are a couple of idiots.