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In the upper extremity, the sheath of the long tendon of the biceps may be affected, but the condition is most common in the tendons about the wrist, particularly in the extensors of the thumb, and it is most frequently met with in those who follow occupations which involve prolonged use or excessive straining of these tendons for example, washerwomen or riveters.

When eight years old he joined a company of acrobats and strolling performers, and was called by the euphonious title of "the Yankee dish-rag." His muscular system was well-developed, and, like Sandow, he could make muscles act in concert or separately. He could throw into energetic single action the biceps, the supinator longus, the radial extensors, the platysma myoides, and many other muscles.

The muscles of the limbs are almost as numerous as those of the trunk of the body, and even more complex. Most of them, on both arms and legs, are in two great groups one known as the "benders," or flexors, which, when they shorten, bend the limb; and the other, the "straighteners," or extensors, which straighten or extend it.

It forms the fleshy mass on the back of the arm, its use being to draw the flexed forearm into a right line. On the back and outside of the forearm are the extensors, which straighten the wrist, the hand, and the fingers. On the front and inside of the forearm are the flexors, which bend the hand, the wrist, and the fingers.

Movements often pass to fixed attitudes and postures of limbs or body, disturbing the normal balance between flexors and extensors, the significance of which as nerve signs or exponents of habitual brain states and tensions Warner has so admirably shown. Abundance and vigor of automatic movements are desirable, and even a considerable degree of restlessness is a good sign in young children.

Wasting of the muscles, especially the extensors, in the vicinity of the joint is a constant accompaniment of arthritis. On account of the involvement of the articular surfaces, arthritis is apt to be followed by ankylosis. The term empyema is sometimes employed to indicate that the cavity of the joint contains pus.

The flexor carpi ulnaris may also be anastomosed with the common extensor of the fingers. The extensors of the wrist may be shortened, so as to place the hand in the position of dorsal flexion, and thus improve the attitude and grasp of the hand. The deep branch may be divided as it passes through the supinator in operations on old fractures and dislocations in the region of the elbow.

"Why, it is your own fault, it is so easy to get it viséd again overnight." He would not willingly suffer any other man's goose to feed upon the common he cared for nobody but himself, and every thing that was or he esteemed to be his his very joints were worked unlike those of another man he must have had a set of adductors and abductors, of flexors and extensors, on purpose.

The latter increase the volume and power of the extensors of the shoulder, arm, and forearm, and are to be sedulously practised, because we have fewer common and daily movements of these muscles than of their antagonists, the flexors, and they are consequently weaker in most persons. The windows should be widely opened, and the room warmed by the sun alone.

There is no evidence of paralysis of the facial muscles. In fact, the cranial nerves, by detailed examination, are intact, except in so far as respiration and speech are concerned. The right leg is held entirely spastic, the muscles on both sides of the joints, that is, flexors and extensors, being equally contracted.