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Anderson says he expecs 't o' ye. 'Eh, man! A long pause followed, and Shargar spoke again. 'Hoo am I to begin, Robert? 'Begin what? 'To be a gentleman. Robert scratched his head, like Brutus, and at length became oracular. 'Speyk the truth, he said. 'I'll do that. But what aboot my father? 'Naebody 'ill cast up yer father to ye. Ye need hae nae fear o' that.

"Quashy, my b'lubbed, I expecs you is," replied Susan, simply, passing her black fingers through her lover's very curly locks. "O Sooz'n, how I lubs you! I know'd I'd find you. I always said it. I always t'ought it, an' now I's dood it." "Das so," returned Susan, with a bashfully pleased look. "I always know'd it too.

Ven I 'olds a 'orse I expecs to be paid for so doin', same as you expecs to be paid w'en you attends a board-meetin' to grin an' do nuffin. "`Come, come, boy, said Sir Richard, gettin' redder in the face than I ever before saw him, `I am not accustomed to low pleasantry, and "`An' I ain't accustomed, broke in the boy, `to 'igh hinsults.

"What cud gar her say 't gien she didna believe 't?" "Fowk says she expecs that w'y to get a grip o' things oot o' the han's o' the puir laird's trustees: ye wad be a son o' her ain, cawpable o' mainagin' them. But ye dinna tell me she's never been at yersel' aboot it?" "Never a blink o' the ee has passed atween's sin' that day I gaed till Gersefell, as I tellt ye, wi' a letter frae the markis.

"They was, sir," admitted the boy, candidly. "How much?" demanded the old street boy. "On'y one ha'penny, sir," replied the young street boy, "but ven the day's fine, an' the boots don't want much shinin', we gin'rally expecs a penny. Gen'l'min 'ave bin known to go the length of tuppence." Bob pulled out half-a-crown and offered it. The boy grinned, but did not attempt to take it.

But it was too late for him to do anything, for the boat had already drifted six yards away, and just when I thought he would have shrieked at me for cutting off our only connection with the shore, he said: "Never mind, shipmate! We allus expecs to lose a boat or two when we're out asploring."