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It's his kids an' his wife. Mackinaw! It makes me sick. It does sure. Here's us fellers without a care to our souls, while that pore sucker's jest strugglin' an' strugglin' an' everythin's wrong with him wrong as oh, hell!" For once Sandy forgot his malicious jibe at the loafer's expense. And Toby, too, forgot his pleasantry.

"We 'it somethin'," shouted the skipper, "an' she's sinkin' by the larboard bow. Gotta' git off 'er quick. Boats are gone! Everythin's gone." "No," said Curlie calmly, "the raft forward is safely lashed on." The engineer appeared from below. The engine had already ceased its throbbing. "She's fillin' fast," he commented in a slow drawl. "You two get the raft loose," said Curlie.

Slavin released the man's shoulder with a testy, balked gesture. "Yes! enjoyin' th' racket an' dhrunk like th' rist, I guess! . . . 'Tis a foine sort av town-constable yez are!" Nick Lee maintained his air of injured innocence. "I came round here 'bout midnight, anyways!" he protested. "I always do jes' t' see 'f everythin's all right.

I'd either make 'em give me cash money or else hev a lawyer 'round ter see thet everythin's alright." "My paw," declared the girl indignantly, "he's got full trust in Mr. Brent an' so hev I." She dismissed him with a glance under which his own bravado wilted and he made no further effort to walk at her side.

I don't know's the'd be much in it after everythin's counted out." "That's easy 'nuff fixed. Take a lot o' traps an' let th' crew hunt in th' winter. Ye wouldn't have t' pay 'em then when ye wasn't afloat. Ye could give 'em their keep an' let 'em hunt with th' traps on shore an' make a little outen 'em.

He questioned the detective so closely that that worthy was moved to protest. "Hot tamalies! Y'r auntie aint goin' to get croaked n'r nothin' like that, kid! Not with me here, lookin' after her. What's eatin' y'anyways? Everythin's ridin' along Jake, see. An' speakin' of eatin', s'pose we has a bite. I can give you toast, tea an' a Welsh rabbit or hot dogs, dill pickles "

"Everythin's comin' out all right. Hell, he wouldn't play that day, anyway! Said he'd never touch a card or look at a wheel again as long as he lived, and when I laughed at him he hit me. Whatell else could I do? I hadda shoot him. "Shut up, you and your 'I's' and 'He wouldn't' and 'I hadda! If you've told me that tale once since you came here you've told me forty times. Get up and get out!

Everythin's all right an' you needn't worry a bit." But then seeing that he chafed at this, she added: "Well, then, I'll tell you all there is to know." And then followed an account of the happenings of that night. It was not a thoroughly truthful tale, for in her narrative she told him only what she thought was necessary and good for him to know, keeping the rest to herself.

"'Cl'ar things out of the way along by Jim's head, says Jack Moore, who is takin' a big interest. 'We wants to fix things so Jen can swarm in at him easy. You hear me! she's goin' to come stampedin' in yere like wild cattle when she gets the news. "When everythin's ready, Tutt an' Jack, who concloods it's well to have a good deal of shootin', bangs away with their guns about four times apiece.

The smoke still rose from the house, which they now saw clearly, standing among its trees. A brook glinting with gold in the sunshine flowed down the middle of the valley. A luscious greenness covered the whole valley floor. No snugger nook could be found in the mountains. "As fine as pie!" exclaimed Jarvis exultantly. "Everythin's straight an' right.