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Updated: August 6, 2024

A finite event occupies a limited chunk of this manifold in a sense which I now proceed to explain. Let e be any given event. The manifold of event-particles falls into three sets in reference to e. Each event-particle is a group of equal abstractive sets and each abstractive set towards its small-end is composed of smaller and smaller finite events.

Accordingly no moment can intersect a point-track more than once, and every moment intersects a point-track in one event-particle. Anyone who at the successive moments of α should be at the event-particles where those moments intersect a given point of α will be at rest in the timeless space of time-system α.

I will call this abstractive element the solid as an abstractive element, and I will call the aggregate of event-particles the solid as a locus. The instantaneous volumes in instantaneous space which are the ideals of our sense-perception are volumes as abstractive elements.

The two boundaries must have a common portion which is in fact a continuous three-dimensional locus of event-particles in the four-dimensional manifold. A three-dimensional locus of event-particles which is the common portion of the boundary of two adjoined events will be called a 'solid. A solid may or may not lie completely in one moment.

The locus of those points of the space of α which intersect M in event-particles on ρ is the straight line r of space α, and the locus of those points of the space of α which intersect M in event-particles on λ is the plane l of space α. Then the plane l is perpendicular to the line r. In this way we have pointed out unique and definite properties in nature which correspond to perpendicularity.

Each of these events occupies its own aggregate of event-particles. These aggregates will have a common portion, namely the class of event-particle lying in all of them. This class of event-particles is what I call the 'station' of the event-particle P in the duration d. This is the station in the character of a locus. A station can also be defined in the character of an abstractive element.

To find evidence of the properties which are to be found in the manifold of event-particles we must always recur to the observation of relations between events. Our problem is to determine those relations between events which issue in the property of absolute position in a timeless space.

Such a set of event-particles will form a point in the timeless space of that time-system. Thus a point is really an absolute position in the timeless space of a given time-system. But there are alternative time-systems, and each time-system has its own peculiar group of points that is to say, its own peculiar definition of absolute position. This is exactly the theory which I will elaborate.

Let the satisfaction of the condition σ by an abstractive set mean that the two given event-particles and the event-particles lying between them on the rect all lie in every event belonging to the abstractive set. The group of σ-primes, where σ has this meaning, form an abstractive element. Such abstractive elements are rectilinear routes.

I will therefore use the name 'event-particles' for the ideal minimum limits to events. Thus an event-particle is an abstractive element and as such is a group of abstractive sets; and a point namely a point of timeless space will be a class of event-particles.

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