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Nor does he conceal from her what now tortures him most, "Dear wife, Thou knowest that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives." And immediately the Lady is her old self: "But in them nature's copy's not eterne." Though Lady Macbeth is represented as at once prepared for a second murder, Macbeth has now no more need of her: "Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, Till thou applaud the deed."

Here, manacled with "adamant eterne," in an agony of impatience I quaffed the thirst-stimulating draught of unsatisfied longing as I strove fitfully to wear away the stubborn strips of leather which held me in bondage. In a doze or dream the action went on.

Tear forever the garland of Homer, and number the fathers Of the immortal work, that through all time will survive! Yet it has but one mother, and bears that mother's own feature, 'Tis thy features it bears, Nature, thy features eterne!

'How many boons conceals the Deity, * Eluding human sight in mystery: How many graces come on heels of stresses, * And fill the burning heart with jubilee: How many a sorrow in the morn appears, * And turns at night-tide into gladdest gree: If things go hard with thee some day, yet trust * Th' Eterne, th' Almighty God of Unity: And pray the Prophet that he intercede; * Through intercession every wish shalt see.

In some respects the better a book is, the less it demands from binding. Fielding, Smollet, Sterne, and all that class of perpetually self-reproductive volumes Great Nature's Stereotypes we see them individually perish with less regret, because we know the copies of them to be "eterne."

We may reason, syllogize, speculate as we will, the first plant and the first tree were not nature's thankless bastards, but her legitimate and loving offspring. She engendered them in her own fruitful breast, and her "copy is eterne." The Distribution and Vitality of Seeds.

My regret is that she, who could be "a vision eterne," should be doomed to receive episodically your considerate affection. She does not know your programme. She is a girl who takes your love for granted in the same way as she gives hers, without niggardliness.

Let thine affairs, both public and private, be in Allah's charge, and fear Him with the fear of one who knoweth he is dead and who fareth towards Resurrection and Judgement stead between the hands of the Lord of Dread; and remember that to one of two houses thou art sped, either for Heavens eterne or to the Hell fires that burn. Thereupon the old woman sat down beside the damsels.

"Two flowers," he cried, "ye mortals, mark the sign, Two flowers to greet the Searcher wise entwine, Hope and Enjoyment they are named." "Who of these flowers plucks one, let him ne'er yearn To touch the other sister's bloom. Let him enjoy, who has no faith; eterne As earth, this truth! Abstain, who faith can learn! The world's long story is the world's own doom."

Thousands of seeds by the autumn are scattered, yet fruit is engendered Only by few, for the most back to the element go. But if one only can blossom, that one is able to scatter Even a bright living world, filled with creations eterne. Nowhere in the organic or sensitive world ever kindles Novelty, save in the flower, noblest creation of life.