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That it did not make Julian Estcourt so was entirely due to great strength of moral character, and a belief in the responsibilities with which life is charged, and for the abuse of which it is destined to suffer in future states or conditions, as well as in its present.

She wrote that night: "DEAR MR. BERKLEY: "I am in my own house now and am very contented which does not mean that I did not adore being with Celia Craig and Estcourt and the children.

Something at least was saved from the ruin; information would be carried to the troops at Estcourt, a good many of the troops and some of the wounded would escape, the locomotive was itself of value, and perhaps in saving all these things some little honour had been saved as well.

On our return, we found the real Simon Pure, Mr Estcourt, sitting with the major, who introduced us, and dinner being served, we sat down to table. Mr Estcourt was a young man, about my own age, but not so tall by two or three inches.

I should not have opened my lips on the subject had you not expressed a desire to hear something about it." "I suppose," said Mrs Jefferson, eagerly, "you yourself are a believer in occultism?" "Madame Zairoff is a great deal more than that," said Colonel Estcourt; "she is one of its most earnest students and most ardent votaries.

At this time an expedition ventured to Estcourt, under General Louis Botha, who replaced General L. Meyer, sent home on sick leave. My commando joined the expedition under Field-Cornet J. Kock, who afterwards caused me a lot of trouble. I can say but little of this expedition to Estcourt, save that the Commander-in-Chief accompanied it.

Estcourt only said, "This is my little nephew, Mrs. Maitland; he is going to London, and I am glad to think he is in your company." "She never asked her to take care of me," said Arthur to himself, "and I am sure she could not think of such a thing herself when she sees me." But Mrs.

But for his being with us, I am convinced that General Botha would have pushed on at least as far as Pietermaritzburg, for the English were at that time quite unable to stop our progress. But after we got to Estcourt, practically unopposed, Joubert, though our burghers had been victorious in battle after battle, ordered us to retreat.

The soft December air, mild as spring on that sheltered coast, scarcely stirred the drooping boughs that overshadowed the terrace. Colonel Estcourt lit his cigar, and began to pace with slow and thoughtful steps beneath the many lighted windows of the great building. Mrs Jefferson's words haunted him, despite his efforts to dispel them.

It soon appeared that the cattle were the property of four farmers living within a short distance of each other. They had arrived in Estcourt with their families two days previously, weary and broken down with fatigue, hunger, and the loss and ruin of their property.