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Methought, as I-read, I could hear my heart strike like an eight-day clock. Hard as I feigned to study, there was still some of my eyesight that spilled beyond the book upon Catriona. She sat on the floor by the side of my great mail, and the chimney lighted her up, and shone and blinked upon her, and made her glow and darken through a wonder of fine hues.

All slept; the gas in the hall had been left faintly burning to light his return; a dreadful stillness reigned, broken by the deep ticking of the eight-day clock. He put the gas out, and sat on a chair in the hall, waiting and counting the minutes, longing for any human countenance.

I went over all this ground again, therefore, for Mr. Carter's edification, and told him, word for word, all that Margaret had said to me. When I had finished, he relapsed once more into a reverie, during which I sat listening to the ticking of an eight-day clock in the passage outside our sitting-room, and the occasional tramp of a passing footstep on the pavement below our windows.

'I should as soon have thought of a man's wearing the case of an eight-day clock to save his linen, said Twigger, casting a look of apprehension at the brass suit. 'It's the easiest thing in the world, rejoined the Mayor. 'It's nothing, said Mr. Jennings. 'When you're used to it, added Ned. 'You do it by degrees, said the Mayor.

"Why no, that's not an eight-day clock, that's the deceased; we stood him on end, to make room for the mourners." Up to within fifty years ago all roads in New England led to Boston; but within the last fifty years every byway and highway in New England leads to New York.

When his shop was closed he would go out on the hills, and there spend his time studying geology and botany. He knew the name of every plant and insect, and the strata of the earth for many miles round; and it was out of doors that the boys first made his acquaintance. They found him on this afternoon seated behind his counter mending an eight-day clock.

It's all on account of mother, Miss Polly. It would have gone to your heart, Miss Polly, if you seen mother a-looking at the eight-day clock and thinking of parting from it. Her tears made channels on her cheeks, Miss Polly, and it was 'eart-piercing to view her. Oh, do take back them words, Miss Polly. Don't say as I'm a Flooder."

You dare to laugh, Miss! she cried to the little one on the stool, with mock wrath. 'The idea of having to fetch you out o' bed just for peace and quietness. And that young man there' she pointed to the cradle; 'there's about as much sleep ill him as there is in that eight-day clock! You rascal, you!

He had been dining at some very wet house the night before, and the wine had, perhaps, been more plentiful than choice; at any rate, there he was, with a tongue like a bath towel and a head that ticked like an eight-day clock. He was very alarmed at his own condition, and he sent for Doctor Middleton, of Ascombe, the father of the man who practises there now.

They danced and played, and sang and talked, till midnight chimed from the old eight-day clock in the hall, a sound which struck almost as much consternation to Bessie's soul as if she had been Cinderella at the royal ball. 'TWELVE O'CLOCK! and the little ones all up! she exclaimed, looking round the circle of towzled heads with remorseful eyes. 'What would mother say?