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And moind, youngster, thee'd best keep a quiet tongue in thy head as to whaat thou'st seen here." "I haven't seen anything," Ned said; "but of course if you wish it I will say nothing about it." "It were best for ee, for if thou go'st aboot saying thou'st seen men with guns and clubs up here on the moor, it ull be the worsest day's work ee've ever done."

And then there'd be trees beyond and beyond, smaller and smaller, and all like a blue mist between them, thee know. That blue in the paper 'ee've got would just do, and with more white to it 'twould be beautiful for the sky. And" "And who's to do all that for a few shillings?" broke in the painter, testily. "And Master Chuter wants it done and hung up for the Foresters' dinner."

"'Ee've got hard fac's noo, Jerry," said Sandy, about noon of the following day, as he threw down the axe with which he had been hewing the jungle, and pulled off his hat, from the crown of which he took a red cotton handkerchief wherewith to wipe his thickly-beaded brow.

Pitt once more brought the conversation back to the timber, but the Baronet was deaf again in an instant. "I'm gittin' very old, and have been cruel bad this year with the lumbago. I shan't be here now for long; but I'm glad ee've come, daughter-in-law.

But they'll niver do it; for, 'ee see, they want mind an' body withoot mind is but a puir thing after a', Mrs Scholtz." "I'm not so shure of zat," put in Scholtz, stretching his huge frame and regarding it complacently; "it vould please me better to have body vidout mint, zan mint vidout body." "H'm! 'ee've reason to be pleased then," muttered Black, drily.

Load that ber'l agin. I guess we'll git a lot o' 'm afore we gins in. Cuss the luck! that gun, Tar-guts! Ef I only had that leetle piece hyur! 'Ee've got six shots, have 'ee? Good! 'Ee mout chock up the cave wi' their karkidges afore they kin reach us. It ur a great weepun, an' no mistakes. I seed the cap use it. Lor'! how he made it tell on them niggers i' the shanty!

"Wow! wow!" exclaimed Mrs Niven, whimpering, for she understood full well the meaning of that, "an' 'ee've been ruined! Oh dear! Weel, weel, ay, ay, an it's come to that. Jist like my kind freen' Maister Black.