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And the heroic warriors all accoutred and cased in golden coats of mail endued with the effulgence of the blazing Sun, themselves looked like blazing fire or the Sun. And these amongst thy sons, O king, protected Bhishma from behind, viz.. Dussasana, and Durvishaha, and Durmukha, and Dussaha and Vivinsati, and Chitrasena, and that mighty car-warrior Vikarna.

They were Durmarshana and Srutanta and Jaitra and Bhurivala and Ravi, and Jayatsena and Sujata and that slayer of foes, Durvishaha, and he called Durvimochana, and Dushpradharsha and the mighty-armed Srutarvan. All of them were accomplished in battle. Those sons of thine, uniting together, rushed against Bhimasena and shut him up on all sides.

Ascertaining this to be the opinion of Karna, thy son, addressing Suvala's son in the battle, like the illustrious Indra addressing Vishnu, said these words, "Surrounded by ten thousand unretreating elephants and ten thousand cars also, proceed against Dhananjaya! Duhsasana and Durvishaha and Suvahu and Dushpradharshana these will follow thee, surrounded by a large number of foot-soldiers.

Beholding next another son of thine, Durvishaha, rushing at him, Bhima pierced him with a broad-headed arrow in that battle. That prince fell down from his car in the very sight of all the bowmen.