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'Former pastrycook and Muffin-maker, much respected; introducing gravestone. 'All safe and sound here, sir, and all Durdles's work. Of the common folk, that is merely bundled up in turf and brambles, the less said the better. A poor lot, soon forgot. 'This creature, Deputy, is behind us, says Jasper, looking back. 'Is he to follow us?

Of course no Dean would entrust keys to this incredibly dissipated, dirty, and insolent creature, to whom Sapsea gives the key of his vault, for no reason at all, as the epitaph, of course, is to be engraved on the outside, by Durdles's men. However, Durdles insists on getting the key of the vault: he has two other large keys.

Durdles taps, that wall represented by that hammer, and says, after good sounding: "Something betwixt us!" Sure enough, some rubbish has been left in that same six-foot space by Durdles's men! Jasper opines that such accuracy 'is a gift. 'I wouldn't have it at a gift, returns Durdles, by no means receiving the observation in good part. 'I worked it out for myself.

The taciturnity of Durdles is for the time overcome by Mr. Jasper's wicker bottle, which circulates freely; in the sense, that is to say, that its contents enter freely into Mr. Durdles's circulation, while Mr. Jasper only rinses his mouth once, and casts forth the rinsing. They are to ascend the great Tower. On the steps by which they rise to the Cathedral, Durdles pauses for new store of breath.

Sapsea was mortal: he might die any day, and be buried, and then the quicklime, lying where it ought not, would give rise to awkward inquiries. Inquiry being made, in consequence of Durdles's tappings, the ring would be found, as Mr. Cuming Walters says.

There is a coarser term which might have been applied to this talent of Durdles, but we have nothing to do with that, here and now; what we desire is an introduction to the small boy who is Durdles's shadow.

'And I carries weight in 'em too, Mr. Jasper. Feel those! producing two other large keys. 'Hand me Mr. Sapsea's likewise. Surely this is the heaviest of the three. 'You'll find 'em much of a muchness, I expect, says Durdles. 'They all belong to monuments. They all open Durdles's work. Durdles keeps the keys of his work mostly. Not that they're much used.

Master Deputy, what do you owe me? 'A job. 'Mind you pay me honestly with the job of showing me Mr. Durdles's house when I want to go there. Deputy, with a piercing broadside of whistle through the whole gap in his mouth, as a receipt in full for all arrears, vanished.

They have had many hours, not less than five, for their expedition. The key of the crypt lies beside Durdles on the ground. They go out, and as Deputy begins stone-throwing, Jasper half strangles him. Jasper has had ample time to take models in wax of all Durdles's keys. But he could have done that in a few minutes, while Durdles slept, if he had wax with him, without leaving the crypt.

Repairing to Durdles's unfinished house, or hole in the city wall, and seeing a light within it, he softly picks his course among the gravestones, monuments, and stony lumber of the yard, already touched here and there, sidewise, by the rising moon.