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His nemesis seized Carmichael so soon as he reached the Dunleith train in the shape of the Free Kirk minister of Kildrummie, who had purchased six pounds of prize seed potatoes, and was carrying the treasure home in a paper bag.

Hopps's misadventures of which Hillocks held the copyright. "Weel, MacLure had been awa' a' nicht wi' a shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, and he comes here withoot drawin' bridle, mud up tae the een. "'What's adae here, Hillocks? he cries; 'it's no an accident, is 't? and when he got aff his horse he cud hardly stand wi' stiffness and tire.

Hopps' misadventures of which Hillocks held the copyright. "Weel, MacLure had been awa a' nicht wi' a shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, and he comes here withoot drawin' bridle, mud up tae the een. "'What's a dae here, Hillocks?" he cries; 'it's no an accident, is't? and when he got aff his horse he cud hardly stand wi' stiffness and tire.

"Ye see," said Jamie, who had been counting heads all morning, "there's six shepherds in Glen Urtaeh they're shut up fast; an' there micht hae been a gude half dizen frae Dunleith wy, an' a'm telt there's nae road; an' there's the heich Glen, nae man cud cross the muir the day, an' it's aucht mile round;" and Jamie proceeded to review the Glen in every detail of age, driftiness of road and strength of body, till we arrived at the doctor's cottage, when he had settled on a reduction of fifty through stress of weather.

Drumtochty hes an idea o' itsel', and peety the man 'at tries tae drive them, but they 're couthy. "This wy, an' a'll see tae yir luggage," and before Peter made for the Dunleith van it is said that he took off his cap to Kate; but if so, this was the only time he had ever shown such gallantry to a lady.

One might well endure many hardships to stand on the side of Ben Urtach, and see the land one glittering expanse of white on to the great strath on the left, and the hills above Dunleith on the right, to tramp all day through the dry, crisp snow, and gathering round the wood fire of an evening, tell pleasant tales of ancient days, while the wind powdered the glass with drift, and roared in the chimney.

Hopps' misadventures of which Hillocks held the copyright. "Weel, MacLure had been awa a' nicht wi' a shepherd's wife Dunleith wy, and he comes here withoot drawin' bridle, mud up tae the cen. "'What's a dae here, Hillocks?" he cries; 'it's no an accident, is't? and when he got aff his horse he cud hardly stand wi' stiffness and tire.

Not only did all the regular travellers by the north road call on their going up in spring and their coming down in autumn, but habitués of the east coast route were attracted and made a circuit to embrace so hospitable a home, and even country vagrants made their way from Dunleith and down through Glen Urtach to pay their respects to the Rabbi.

We've cleared awa the snow at the back for the prayer; ye 'ill get in at the kitchen door. "There's a puckle Dunleith men " "Wha?" cried Jamie in an instant. "Dunleith men," said Drumsheugh. "Div ye mean they're here, whar are they?" "Drying themsels at the fire, an' no withoot need; ane of them gied ower the head in a drift, and his neeburs hed tae pu' him oot.

One was Tammas, Annie Mitchell's man; and another was Saunders Baxter, for whose life MacLure had his great fight with death; and the third was the Glen Urtach shepherd for whose wife's sake MacLure suffered a broken leg and three fractured ribs in a drift; and the fourth, a Dunleith man, had his own reasons of remembrance.