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Later Parsism, both in Iran and in India, has shown a disposition to cast off dualism, and to become, both philosophically and practically, a monistic system. S. B. E. vols. iv., xxiii. The Zendavesta, vols. v., xviii., xxiv., xxxvii., xlvii. The Histories of Antiquity of Duncker, Maspero, and Ed. Meyer. Haug's Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis.

In that case I shall put the crown of Spain on my own head, and teach the ill-disposed to respect it; for God has given me the power and the will to overcome all obstacles." Mazade: Alexandre Ier et le Prince Czartoryski. Duncker: Friedr. Wilhelm im Jahre 1809. Ranke: Hardenberg und die Geschichte des preussischen Staates von 1793-1813.

Duncker, The History of Antiquity, from the German, by Evelyn Abbott. Rawlinson, The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World: Chaldea, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, and Persia. Ed. Meyer, Geschichte des Alterthums, 1884. The first volume embraces the History of the East to the foundation of the Persian Empire. Schrader, Die Keilinschriften und das alte Testament, 1903.

Measured in this way, full half of the forgetting seems to occur within the first half-hour, while only four-fifths is forgotten at the end of a month. The nature of this result might have been anticipated, but hardly its numerical proportions. Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie." Von Herm. Ebbinghaus. Leipzig: Duncker u.

The pictures were so well known that nothing was needed to complete the sale but an answer from Balthazar to the letter which Messieurs Happe and Duncker addressed to him. Emmanuel de Solis was commissioned by Claes to receive the price of the pictures, which were thereupon packed and sent away secretly, to conceal the sale from the people of Douai.

The date of Menes given by Boeckh is 5702 B.C.; by Lenormant, 5004 B.C.; by Brugsch, 4455 B.C.; by Lepsius, 3852 B.C.; by Bunsen, 3623 or 3059 B.C.; E. Meyer makes 3180 B.C. the lowest possible date for Menes; 3233 B.C. is the date assigned by Duncker. It appears to be well ascertained that Egyptian civilization was in being at least as far back as about 4000 B.C.

The idea of classical erudition, as maintained by them, is extended far beyond its common limitation, and is connected with researches respecting not the language only, but also the religion, philosophy, social economy, arts, and sciences of ancient nations. Among the other great writers on ancient history are Boeckh, Duncker, Droysen, Mommsen, and Kortuem.

E. A. W. Budge, History of Egypt, vols. i.-viii., 1902-03. E. A. W. Budge, The Mummy; chapters on Egyptian funeral archæology, Cambridge, 1893. Flinders Petrie, A History of Egypt. Flinders Petrie, in Oxford Proceedings, vol. i. p. 184, sqq. The Histories of Antiquity of Duncker, Maspero, and especially Ed. Meyer. Erman, Life in Ancient Egypt, 1894.

It is difficult to believe such a story, is it not? You know all miracles bear more or less resemblance to the story of the Golden Tooth. We have our golden tooth in Jarvis, that is all. Duncker the fisherman asserts that he has seen her plunge into the fiord and come up in the shape of an eider-duck, at other times walking on the billows of a storm.

The next day Monsieur de Solis despatched his nephew, armed with letters of introduction, to Amsterdam, where Emmanuel, delighted to do a service to the Claes family, succeeded in selling all the pictures in the gallery to the noted bankers Happe and Duncker for the ostensible sum of eighty-five thousand Dutch ducats and fifteen thousand more which were paid over secretly to Madame Claes.