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Postman's coom over fra' Drigg wi' a letter will it be for wan of ye? and she held out an eccentrically shaped and tinted envelope; 'there's a bonny smell on it, she observed. 'It's all right, said Caffyn, 'it's mine; no newspapers, eh? Well, perhaps this will do as well! and as the door closed upon the maid he tore open the letter with some eagerness.

In a broad band of sand-hillocks which separate the Laguna del Potrero from the shores of the Plata, at the distance of a few miles from Maldonado, I found a group of those vitrified, siliceous tubes, which are formed by lightning entering loose sand. These tubes resemble in every particular those from Drigg in Cumberland, described in the "Geological Transactions."

She'll be magnificent. I do pity that miserable beggar, upon my soul, I do it's some comfort to think that I never did him any harm; he lost me Mabel and I kept him from losing her. I can tell him that if he tries any reproaches! Meanwhile Vincent was spinning along in the dog-cart on his way to Drigg.

Now, I'll let this job go at just the cost -twenty dollars, and throw off the profit and trimmings. Yes -to you young fellows -I'll call the job twenty dollars." "That's kind of you," said Dick, with a grateful sigh. "But we want to be honest with you, Mr. Drigg -Twenty dollars, or five, or a hundred -it would be all the same to us. We haven't the money."

He rang and ordered the dog-cart to take him to Drigg next day in time to meet the morning train, and, after packing such things as he would want, lay awake for some time in a sleeplessness which was not irksome, and then lost himself in dreams of a fantastically brilliant future.

In a broad band of sand-hillocks which separate the Laguna del Potrero from the shores of the Plata, at the distance of a few miles from Maldonado, I found a group of those vitrified, siliceous tubes, which are formed by lightning entering loose sand. These tubes resemble in every particular those from Drigg in Cumberland, described in the Geological Transactions.

The most remarkable circumstance, as it appears to me, in this case as well as in that of Drigg, and in one described by M. Ribbentrop in Germany, is the number of tubes found within such limited spaces. At Drigg, within an area of fifteen yards, three were observed, and the same number occurred in Germany.

The most remarkable circumstance, as it appears to me, in this case as well as in that of Drigg, and in one described by M. Ribbentrop in Germany, is the number of tubes found within such limited spaces. At Drigg, within an area of fifteen yards, three were observed, and the same number occurred in Germany.

These dimensions are however small, compared to those of the tubes from Drigg, one of which was traced to a depth of not less than thirty feet. The internal surface is completely vitrified, glossy, and smooth. A small fragment examined under the microscope appeared, from the number of minute entangled air or perhaps steam bubbles, like an assay fused before the blowpipe.

These dimensions are however small, compared to those of the tubes from Drigg, one of which was traced to a depth of not less than thirty feet. The internal surface is completely vitrified, glossy, and smooth. A small fragment examined under the microscope appeared, from the number of minute entangled air or perhaps steam bubbles, like an assay fused before the blowpipe.