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But in his haste to do so, Jim Dorrell raised himself off his log by the branch he grasped and, along with the other unfortunates, made three men to be saved. When the riderless log was hauled up inshore, Lincoln mounted it to make the next cast in person. Having an extra rope with him, he lassoed the tree and soon drew the log up.

It was better that our family should have missed that legacy, which old Dorrell cheated us of, than that I should have at this moment two thousand pounds in banco, and be without the idea of that specious old rogue. In a degree beneath manhood, it is my infirmity to look back upon those early days.

Afterwards Coleridge altered "skirts" to "train." Seven.... years. See note to "Dream-Children." Alice W n is identified with Ann Simmons, who lived near Blakesware when Lamb was a youth, and of whom he wrote his love sonnets. According to the Key the name is "feigned." Old Dorrell. See the poem "Going or Gone," Vol. IV. There seems really to have been such an enemy of the Lamb fortunes.

He was one of the witnesses to the will of John Lamb, the father William Dorrell. Small-pox at five. There is no other evidence than this casual mention that Lamb ever suffered from this complaint. Possibly he did not. He went to Christ's Hospital at the age of seven. From what have I not fallen. Lamb had had this idea many years before.

And yet the next day after, the sayd Flemming being in a maner got to the very mouth of the Riuer vp to Lisbone, was taken, and brought in by M. Dorrell, being Captaine of the Iohn and Francis of London. Thus by diuiding their squadrons, and spreading the whole sea ouer a mighty way, there could not so much as the least pinke passe but she was espied and brought in.

Richard Arthur. Iohn Chapman. William Clement. Robert Little. Hugh Tayler. Richard Wildye. Lewes Wotton. Michael Bishop. Henry Browne. Henry Rufoote Richard Tomkins. Henry Dorrell. Charles Florrie. Henry Mylton. Henry Paine. Thomas Harris. William Nichols. Thomas Pheuens. Iohn Borden. Thomas Scot. Peter Little. Iohn Wyles. Brian Wyles. George Martyn. Hugh Pattenson. Martin Sutton. Iohn Farre.

A daring young fellow by the name of 'Jim' Dorrell then took his seat on the end of the log, and it was pushed out into the current, with the expectation that it would be carried downstream against the tree where Seamon and Carman were. The log was well directed, and went straight to the tree; but Jim, in his impatience to help his friends, fell a victim to his good intentions.

He never recovered health, but still occupied himself much with his pen, writing, among other things, a serious argument to prove that they were themselves mad who thought him so. In those last days of his shattered life James Harrington married an old friend of the family, a witty lady, daughter of Sir Marmaduke Dorrell, of Buckinghamshire.

Taxed costs and wound up business at the Council Office for the last time again; but went there again on October 11th. 12th. To Foxholes, where fever and bad fit of gout came on; I was very unwell till September 3rd. 21st. A fond and faithful companion of sixteen years. September 5th. Mr. G. H. Dorrell came as my secretary, and I dictated an article on foreign affairs. From Mr.