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He did not believe it, and thought that I had mistaken some of his cavalry for Van Dorn's Army. There were no pickets out on our right flank, and I so reported to General Curtis, but evidently my report made no impression upon him, and I returned to camp.

Houston then told of the plan for Van Dorn's coming in a few weeks, and later, for the arrival of Mr. Cameron with Lindlay. "Oh," Rutherford exclaimed, "now I see why Mort is so anxious to get here at just about a certain time; he knows all about this, and wants to be in at the death himself; well, that suits me exactly.

To Dorn's regret, he believed that he failed his comrades in one way, and he was always trying to make up for it. Part of the training of a soldier was the ever-present need and duty of cheerfulness. Every member of the squad had his secret, his own personal memory, his inner consciousness that he strove to keep hidden.

A supple twist the French trick and Dorn's powerful lunge, with all his ponderous weight, drove his bayonet through the enemy's lungs. "Ka ma rod!" came the strange, strangling cry. A weight sagged down on Dorn's rifle. He did not pull out the bayonet, but as it lowered with the burden of the body his eyes, fixed at one height, suddenly had brought into their range the face of his foe.

"Oh, then embrace it," Hulda said, "and give your faith a single straw to cling to." Van Dorn's hand slipped around her waist, and his florid cheeks and blue eyes bent beneath her Leghorn hat: "I find it here, perhaps, Hulda. Shall I embrace your youth with my strong passion? I fear I love you."

Such is the kidnapper eking out the decayed days of the slaver; such is the ruined voluptuary, living at last on the earnings of some shameless woman; such am I: behold me!" Van Dorn's eyes turned on Levin in their cold, heartless light, and yet he blushed, as usual. "You ought to be a gentleman, Captain. What made you break the laws so and be a bad man?"

You can judge how reliable such suspicions are. I have endeavored to get a gunboat up to Florence, and if one could go there it could destroy all the forces, and check Van Dorn materially. I will co-operate with it in any way to benefit the service. Brigadier-General. On February 16th General Van Dorn's command commenced crossing the Tennessee to join General Bragg's Army.

Before we in the interior could know it, hundreds, yea thousands of barrels of salt and millions of dollars had been disbursed; and I have no doubt that Bragg's army at Tupelo, and Van Dorn's at Vicksburg, received enough salt to make bacon, without which they could not have moved their armies in mass; and that from ten to twenty thousand fresh arms, and a due supply of cartridges, have also been got, I am equally satisfied.

I dream it. It's in my spirit my instinct of life, my flesh-and-blood life of the future it's in my belief in God. Kurt Dorn's ordeal will be worse than death for him. But I believe as I pray that he will come home alive." "Then, after all, you do hope," said her father. "Lenore, when I was down East, I seen what women were doin'. The bad women are good an' the good women are great.

The farmer said they had had a big funeral out of Memphis, but when it reached his house, the coffin was found to contain a fine assortment of medicines for the use of Van Dorn's army. Thus under the pretense of a first-class funeral, they had carried through our guards the very things we had tried to prevent. It was a good trick, but diminished our respect for such pageants afterward.