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"Shall I tell him, Cranstoun?" asked Villiers in the same bantering tone. "Hoot mon, doon't bother me," petulantly returned the other, as thrusting his long legs under the table, and turning his back upon the questioner he joined, or affected to join, in a conversation that was passing, in a low tone, at his end of the room.

Therefore, beholding me still an innocent-looking child, with fair curls on my forehead, and no store of bad language, John Fry thought this was the very first fight that ever had befallen me; and so when they let him at the gate, 'with a message to the headmaster, as one of the monitors told Cop, and Peggy and Smiler were tied to the railings, till I should be through my business, John comes up to me with the tears in his eyes, and says, 'Doon't thee goo for to do it, Jan; doon't thee do it, for gude now. But I told him that now it was much too late to cry off; so he said, 'The Lord be with thee, Jan, and turn thy thumb-knuckle inwards.

Dost thee object to that, lass? if so, say so noo afore it's too late, but doon't thraw it in moi face arterwards. Ef thou'st children they shalt go to school too. Oi don't want to do more for Polly nor oi'd do for moi own." "I ha' no objection, Luke. I remembers your sister, how pretty and quiet she wor; and thou shalt do what you likest wi' Polly, wi'out no grumble from me."

But look you here," says he, "'leven months out o' the year she shall have all the vittles she likes to eat, and all the gownds she likes to git, and all the cumpny she likes to hev; but the last month o' the year she'll ha' to spin five skeins iv'ry day, an' if she doon't, I shall kill her." "All right," says the woman; for she thowt what a grand marriage that was.

"I kicked it out, of course," she replied. She saw him flinch. "And you never opened it?" "Certainly not," she retorted, as if forced. "Doon't y'u know anythin' about about people? ... Shore even if y'u are an Isbel y'u never were born in Texas." "Thank God I wasn't!" he replied.

He tried to reach her across the table, and his movements were lazy and slow, like his smile. His tone was coaxing. "Mah dear, shore you set on my knee just the other day, now, didn't you?" Ellen felt the blood sting her cheeks. "I was a child," she returned. "Wal, listen to this heah grown-up young woman. All in a few days! ... Doon't be in a temper, Ellen.... Come, give us a kiss."

"Niver yew mind," that said, "but tell me what you're a cryin' for." "That oon't dew me noo good if I dew," says she. "Yew doon't know that," that said, an' twirled that's tail round. "Well," says she, "that oon't dew no harm, if that doon't dew no good," and she upped and told about the pies an' the skeins an' everything.

The bay horse champed his bit and tossed his head. "Why do you hate me so?" he asked. "I just happen to be my father's son. I never harmed you or any of your people. I met you ... fell in love with you in a flash though I never knew it till after.... Why do you hate me so terribly?" Ellen felt a heavy, stifling pressure within her breast. "Y'u're an Isbel.... Doon't speak of love to me."

'Yis, mum, said the old man placidly, 'ya might 'a' thowt it. I's reet sorry, bit ya caan't help these things sumtimes an' it's naw gud, a hollerin' ower 'em like a mad bull. Aa tuke yur bit paper to Randall's and aa laft it wi' 'em to mek up, an' than, aa, weel, aa went to a frind, an' ee may hev giv' me a glass of yale, aa doon't say ee dud but ee may, I ween't sweer.

As Mr. Bates ran on, Caterina felt something like a painful contraction at her heart. 'Yes, she said, rising, 'I dare say it will. Sir Christopher is very anxious for it. But I must go, uncle Bates; Lady Cheverel will be wanting me, and it is your dinner-time. 'Nay, my dinner doon't sinnify a bit; but I moosn't kaep ye if my ledy wants ye.